Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 5, 2013

The TSA shooting at LAX carried out by Paul Anthony Ciancia last week is being framed as patriotic terrorism by a right-wing anti-banker conspiracy theorist.
Forbes gives us the details of this narrative:
“Pissed off Patriot”: According to police, Ciancia referred to himself as a Patriot in his note. It’s important to keep in mind that members of this loose-knit movement have co-opted a common word associated with courageous and loyal values, and twisted the definition in an effort to paint themselves as heroic figures.
The Manifesto: When Timothy McVeigh bombed the Oklahoma City federal building in 1995, he carefully filled an envelope with pamphlets, articles, papers, and Founding Father quotes to explain his rationale for mass murder. When Joseph Stack flew his airplane into the Austin, Texas IRS building in 2010, he left a manifesto on his website. Patriots who commit violent acts know that their individual efforts are too small to effect real change, but hope to inspire others to engage the government violently as well.
Fatigues: Many Patriots assume military-style clothing, weapons, speech, and demeanor in an effort to wrap their activities in a layer of respectability and honor. After all, when American soldiers kill the nation’s enemies during war, they return home as heroes. Patriots believe that they too are at war, but their enemy is not a foreign nation or terrorist organization – it’s the U.S. government. They dress and act like soldiers so that they can feel like and be judged as brave warriors rather than as murderers.
The Firearm: The M&P15 (“Military and Police”) semi-automatic tactical rifle falls into the AR-15 class of weapons, which is preferred by Patriots for a number of reasons. Such guns are inexpensive, easy to shoot, accurate, customizable, and for a 10-year period starting in 1994, this type of rifle was banned by federal law, which gives the weapon a certain prestige among Patriot groups. Despite the M&P name, Smith & Wesson has actively marketed the rifle to civilian shooters.
TSA as a Target: The Transportation Security Administration is a relatively new agency, and is part of the Department of Homeland Security. According to the indictment, Ciancia wrote that he had “made a conscious decision to kill” multiple TSA employees, and indeed, he fired his weapon mostly at TSA agents, killing one, injuring others and injuring one airline passenger. While Patriots traditionally have not included the TSA on their list of enemies, considerable animosity and threats have been aimed at the IRS, the DHS, Federal judges, the FBI, the Federal Reserve, the ATF, FEMA, and the EPA in the past. According to one news report, Ciancia also lashed out at former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano in his letter, calling her a “bull-dyke.”
Fiat currency/NWO: In his manifesto, Ciancia referred to “fiat currency” and the “NWO,” likely a reference to the New World Order conspiracy theory. Under this Patriot myth, when the U.S. government stopped backing the dollar with gold reserves, the power to create and control money was passed to a cartel of secretive international bankers, who continue to use their power today to keep all Americans in economic slavery. Jared Loughner had a similar fascination with fiat currency conspiracy theories.
Domestic Terrorism: And finally, according to the FBI, Ciancia was fairly explicit about his goals. He wrote that he wanted to “kill TSA and pigs” in order to “instill fear in your terrorist minds.” Once again, in the Patriot movement, language is key; a man who walks into a crowded airport and shoots several unarmed people isn’t a killer, he is a patriotic soldier in the epic battle against the terrorist organization called the U.S. government.
This is, of course, quite funny language being used here. Transforming the word “Patriot” from denoting someone who loves his country into an explicit reference to an Alex Jones fanboy is as Orwellian as it gets. And of course, framing the average Jones fanboy as a violent extremist is goofy. If anything, these people are obsessed with nonviolence.
Otherwise, the story is not totally unbelievable.
Alex Jones stirs up insanity in his listeners, and then instills them with a deep feeling of helplessness. I would not find it particularly surprising if one of his followers did indeed go postal on the TSA. Ciancia allegedly sent messages to his brother saying he wanted to kill himself in the days before the attack – feelings of suicide are standard among Jones fanatics. The idea he wanted to take down a few TSA x-ray machine wielding ball-grabbers on his way out is far from unbelievable.
I have not yet looked too deeply into the details of this case, but I am aware there are many prematurely classifying this as a false flag attack. Maybe, in the coming weeks, the evidence will come out that this was a staged event, perpetrated by the government for the purpose of demonizing Alex Jones listeners. However, we should beware of jumping to conclusions, and realize that these people do tend to be unstable, and the idea of one of them deciding to go shoot up an airport is hardly outside of the possible.
The Jews do not view the Alex Jones types as a threat. They are neutered, sterile, feeble creatures, who offer zero resistance to anything. If they were going to stage a fake attack, it seems to me they would either blame it on Muslims – because they need a reason to keep these wars going – or “White Supremacist Holocaust-Denying Neo-Nazis,” as we are the people that the establishment actually fears.