Media Jews Try to Hoax Trump with Fake Attack on Lying Slut Reporter

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 11, 2016

Michelle Fields, a reporter for the Jewish run neo-conservative media outlet Breitbart, claims she was attacked by Donald Trump’s manager Corey Lewandowski (who, by the way, is a Slav, not a Jew).

As it turns out, Michelle Fields is a dirty lying slut, who has invented this story.

ABC News:

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump accused a Breitbart reporter of fabricating her accusation that his campaign manager grabbed her hard enough to leave a bruise during a campaign event.

Trump told reporters after Thursday night’s GOP debate in Miami that nothing happened.

“Perhaps she made the story up. I think that’s what happened,” he said of Tuesday night’s alleged incident.

“I believe I was in the middle of a lot of Secret Service agents, and they all said that they never saw anything,” Trump said. “And these are very honorable guys, they’re fantastic people, and there were a lot of them and nobody saw anything, and to the best of my knowledge there’s no pictures.”

She may have been working in cooperation with high-level Breitbart Jews, such as Ben Shapiro, in order to defame Trump.

Shapiro went on the Megyn [sic] Kelly show to defame Trump and pretend this is real.

Shapiro was defensive, saying “if you’re suggesting Breitbart News is involved…” even though no one suggest that.

Fields has definitely entered into a conspiracy with the Washington Post, which published an article by the Jew Ben Terris who claims to be the only witness to the event.

There were 100 reporters there, and only this Jew Terris saw it.

Fields did not file a police report.

Terris has been called a dishonest creep by the Glorious Leader, and get this – he’s so proud of being insulted by a honorable White man, he’s put it as his Twitter bio.


Michelle Fields herself claims not to be Jewish, but other Jews simply assume she is:

She certainly looks like a Sephardic Jew:


Fields’ boyfriend is the Jew Jamie Weinstein, editor at the Daily Caller where she used to work.

He is in the media pushing the hoax.

The Jew Weinstein is also a writer for the National Review.

This is like a who’s who of anti-Trump Jews, lining up together behind an obvious hoax.

It was 36 hours after the alleged incident that she tweeted a photo (the poor baby).

Obviously, you could do that yourself, or you could have some male Jew ally do it.

The audio that Politico released sounds completely fake. And they haven’t even said where they got the audio.

Even if the audio is real, Terris tells her it was Lewandowski who grabbed her. She says she didn’t see who it was.

Just so we’re 100% clear: there were no witnesses besides the Jew Ben Terris – who is obsessed with Donald Trump – and the Secret Service says it didn’t happen. More than a hundred reporters with cameras and no other witnesses or video.

We’re all just supposed to take this stupid bitch and a hateful Jew at their word.

Obviously, I can’t prove that this is a staged media spectacle, anymore than the Jews can prove Fields was attacked for no reason by Trump’s guy. But it surely seems that one of these scenarios is a lot more likely than the other scenario.

Note that this situation appears very similar to a situation in March of 2014 when I caught the gay Daily Beast Jew James Kirchick engaging in an anti-Russian media conspiracy, wherein he appeared to have manipulated a Filipina RT reporter into staging an on-air protest against Vladimir Putin. I was later able to confirm – beyond reasonable doubt – that this was a Jewish staged event. I believe that, as with that situation, the Terris-Fields hoax will soon be exposed. I just hope that it destroys their careers. This is as dirty as it gets.

Please spread this article around, as the more people who get these details, the more likely it will be that further details will emerge. Also, if you’re one of the hundreds of less extreme writers who reads this site, feel free to rewrite the article and make it less hardcore for the purpose of reaching a more mainstream audience. And yes, Paul Joseph Watson, you can again use my material in one of your videos.