Media Shocked to Discover Obvious Fact That Moslems are Using Slaves to Build FIFA

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 3, 2015

Bitches be all like "where dem soccer balls at?"
Bitches be all like “where dem soccer balls at?”

One would think that as soon as you heard the World Cup was going to be held in Qatar, you would immediately think “well, I guess they’ll use slaves to build the infrastructure.”

It’s kinda like when you hear “97-year-old woman gang-raped, stabbed to death, gang-raped again and then shot and then stabbed again” you say “well, I guess that probably wasn’t White people or Asians.”

Most people who have enough basic understanding of the way the Emeratie nations work wouldn’t need the way they deal with low-wage employment explained to them and surely wouldn’t need an investigative report to prove it.

Nevertheless, the media appears to have been completely shocked when they found out about the awful way ruling class Arabs treat their unskilled laborers.

Daily Mail:

The horrific living conditions for workers building Qatar’s FIFA World Cup infrastructure are again being highlighted in the wake of the corruption scandal engulfing football’s governing body.

Hundreds of thousands of workers are paid as little as $50 per week, as they build the $260 billion infrastructure package – stadiums, hotels, apartments, public transport systems and roads – required to be in place before the tournament can kick-off, according to the ABC.

A new investigation highlights just how each day is a potentially deadly battle for the poverty-stricken workers toiling away on opulent playgrounds for the world’s richest and most famous.

ABC’s Foreign Correspondent captured shocking footage from inside the slum-like housing workers are forced to live during the construction process, where in some cases up to 300 men share just 20 tiny bedrooms.

Pictures show the men, who had to forfeit their passports to their employers, huddled in a small hallway inside their Doha ‘hostel’.

Thin mattresses covering the floor in crowded rooms, disgustingly unclean cooking equipment and make-shift clotheslines hanging from the walls are also shown in the images.

Former ACTU president Sharan Burrow, now head of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), told the ABC the conditions are comparable to slavery.

‘You can see that on the outside this looks almost human. And then you walk in here and you see there are about 300 men here in about 20 rooms,’ Ms Burrow said.

‘It’s filthy, just filthy. The squalor is unbelievable.’

She also said the workers are usually forced to work six days a week, with most days last between 10 and 12 hours. Workers are paid about 600 Qatari riyals – about $215 a month.

You can watch the full 30 minute report on these dastardly Arab deeds here. Just remember to remember that the only reason these colorfuls are treating other colorfuls this way is because of White racism.

Also remember that the same FIFA who questioned the Jews set this up, and keep in mind that it was a complete coincidence that this only became an issue after FIFA questioned the Jews. It just so happened that no one had ever expected that Qatar would use slave labor – especially because Islam is a religion of peace.

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