Media Silence on Black Cop Who Killed Unarmed White Man

Daily Stormer
August 22, 2014

A Black police officer shot and killed 20-year-old White man, Dillon Taylor, outside a convenience store Aug. 11, 2014.

In post-American America, the death of a White man means less than the death of a dog.

It is only the special colored folks whose lives hold value.


Police in Salt Lake City are continuing their probe into an Aug. 11 shooting outside a 7-Eleven convenience store, when a black police officer, whom local media are referring to as “not white,” shot and killed 20-year-old Dillon Taylor, who was unarmed at the time, according to his supporters.Police Chief Chris Burbank said the entire incident was captured on the body camera of the officer who shot Taylor.

“You will see on camera … the actions of everyone involved, including up to the point where our officer utilizes deadly force and his response thereafter,” Burbank told reporters.

He said the video, along with the officer’s identity, will be released at the “appropriate” time, adding it could be days, weeks or months.

“It would be wholly inappropriate to take the most vital piece of evidence that we have and put it out to the public prior to the officer having some due process,” he said.

The chief indicated he has personally viewed the footage, but would not comment on whether he believed the shooting was justified.

“I do not send officers out to use deadly force. That’s never our intention. In fact, our policy specifically says that is the last resort,” he said. “The officer in this circumstance did not set out to use deadly force. We have an unfortunate incident where Dillon Taylor lost his life.”

Dillon Taylor’s family and friends say that he was unarmed.

Burbank also refused to say whether Taylor had a gun, but the victim’s family and friends maintain he was unarmed.

“It didn’t make sense to me when I first heard everything, and they tried to say he had a gun,” Taylor’s friend, Aaron Swanenberg, told the Salt Lake Tribune. “I knew Dillon. He never packed a gun.”

Police said officers were responding to a report of a man “waving a gun around.”

When officers arrived, they found three men leaving the convenience store, with one, later identified as Taylor, reportedly matching the description of the person reported in a 9-1-1 call.

Witnesses say Taylor was wearing headphones at the time and may have been trying to pull his pants up when he was gunned down.

At the time of his shooting, court documents show Taylor had a $25,000 bench warrant for a probation violation in connection with felony robbery and obstructing justice convictions.

But Marissa Martinez, whose sister used to date Taylor, told the Salt Lake Tribune that Taylor had turned over a new leaf.

“He was trying to do better for himself. And this is what happens to him?” Martinez said. “It was really heartbreaking.”

Regarding the race of the officer, Utah’s Deseret News reported the police chief “saying the officer is not white.” The Salt Lake Tribune noted, “the officer involved was not white.”

Eventually, justice will come to America. The floodgates are about to break.