Meet the Scheming Twitter Kike Who Wants to Take 4chan Down

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
August 30, 2018

I really don’t know how to feel about this.

On the one hand, I love 4chan. On the other hand, I hate it. I spend way too much time there – because /pol/ is just so damn funny. Especially over the couple of days following Alex Jones’ Trannygate fiasco. But that’s neither here nor there. Look what the RightWingWatch Jew Jared Holt posted on Twitter.

And an innocuous question, asking why Stripe continues to process payments for a site that he doesn’t like.

I know what you’re thinking though. Why bother what some bugman Jew says on his Twitter?

Well, this is no ordinary Jew.

Yeah, apparently, he enjoys attacking right-wing platforms and has had some success doing it.


Alex Jones is having a rough week. The Texas-based conspiracy theorist and head of the disturbingly popular Infowars media empire has been banned in rapid succession from a variety of platforms, including Apple, YouTube, Facebook and Spotify.

To many casual news consumers, the purge seems sudden. Jones has been peddling mean-spirited hoaxes for years, including 9/11 “truther” nonsense, false accusations of pedophilia aimed at a broad set of targets (including special counsel Robert Mueller), and hyping the idea that the bereaved parents of kids killed in the Sandy Hook massacre are fakers — the latter of which has led to a defamation lawsuit that could cost the Infowars host millions of dollars. So why now?

The timing isn’t random. In recent weeks, a group of progressive activists has dialed up efforts to pressure these distribution platforms to drop Infowars. That pressure, which comes at a time when court proceedings against Jones have finally begun in earnest, created the momentum that led to this decision. This has been mentioned in passing in much of the coverage, but these folks deserve much more credit and recognition for the work they’ve been doing in trying to fight right-wing disinformation campaigns.

Salon spoke recently with Jared Holt, a researcher from Right Wing Watch, a project of People for the American Way. Holt’s work has been instrumental in getting social media and other internet platforms to give Infowars the boot. This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

Pretty typical profile.

But this kike bit off more than he can chew, I reckon.

I’ve never seen the Chans lose.

And he’s stirring up the hornets’ nest here. I don’t know about you, but I hope he keeps pushing and experiences the kind of payback that these people are known for dishing out.

The last time a Jew decided to fight the chan hive, he was left broken, both emotionally and spiritually.

Maybe Jared will do better.

Probably not though.