Info Stormer
May 30, 2016
The Libertarian Party had their party convention this weekend. During the convention they had a debate between their presidential candidates. Needless to say they had quite the cast of characters on hand but there was one that drew my attention more than the others. Meet the unhinged Libertarian Jew degenerate Marc Feldman.
This Jew is a perfect representation of what disgusting parasites these creatures are.
During the debate he called Donald Trump an “asshole.” See 2:15 into the below clip.
Oh yes, and a week or so ago he intelligently called Donald Trump a “bigoted motha fucka.” I’m guessing he’s lashing out this way because he thinks Trump has plans to put him in a shower room gas chamber.
The Jew is also a rapper.
And here’s his closing statement at the debate. It contains some of the most scatterbrained and insane incoherent babble one could imagine.
I can only guess what other clips of this Jew are out there. If anything, this Jew proves that everything Adolf Hitler said about this disgusting race of parasites was 100% correct.
The Jew Feldman’s Twitter page can be found @votesnotforsale if you’d like to say hello to him.