Meme Magic: 700-Year-Old Trump Gargoyle Discovered in England!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 7, 2017

Any of you people who believe that something other than memes is the driving force behind the generation of reality itself need to think long and hard about this little revelation here.

I’m serious.

This 700-year-old gargoyle doesn’t simply resemble Donald Trump – it actually is him.

It is located in a 14th century cathedral in Southwell Minster Cathedral, Nottinghamshire.

The purpose of a gargoyle is to scare off evil spirits – to keep them out of the sacred place.

Think of it: to keep out evil from a sacred place.

What does our GOD EMPEROR do?

To be clear, meme magic is simply a hyper-powerful way to create reality. Basically, all that reality is is what people collectively believe it to be, given that conscious preceded and thus creates matter.

With memes, we are able to alter reality by altering the collective consciousness.

This gargoyle relates because time is an illusion, and everything actually exists at once. So this 14th century sculptor was able to pick up on psychic vibes reverberating from the future – so powerful are the memes which created our GLORIOUS LEADER.

Never forget this: our battle is a spiritual battle AKA a psychic battle AKA a battle for control of reality through control of the hearts, minds and souls of men.

The evolution of life on this planet has been the evolution of consciousness. Life moved through stages, raising its level of conscious self-awareness. The Aryan Man is the pinnacle of this process. It is our divine duty to expand into outer space and fight insectiod creatures from other planets for dominance of the galaxy.

And the only way to do this is through sheer force of collective will.

In the age of internets, collective will is easily molded and directed. The internet has increased latent psychic abilities in all of us. We are terraforming reality with our memes.

He who controls the memes controls the universe.

This is the reason we have to keep believing in Donald Trump. To keep believing that he will do what we want him to do. We, through our memes, willed him into existence, willed him into power – and now we must will him into becoming the ULTIMATE AVATAR we need him to be.

Stay positive, stay cool and keep meming.