Meme War: New Daily Stormer-Style News Site Emerges in France

Daily Stormer
March 15, 2017

This seems familiar, somehow…

Andrew has famously said that “the French don’t know how to meme…

But things seem to be changing for the better. For a few months, now, some French guys have started a great podcast called “Démocratie Participative,” modeled on the alt-right model of mixing humor, memes and hardcore rhetoric while discussing the news. I’ve been on their show several times, and they’re quite good.

They have clever titles, too.

Now, they’re starting up a news website inspired by the Stormer model, but adapted to France. I’ve translated their introduction post:

Démocratie Participative:

As some of you may have noticed, in two weeks our YouTube and Soundcloud channels were deleted. Interestingly, both of these deletions happened instantly, with no warnings or explanations.

After the closing of our YouTube channel, we’ve taken the initiative to create a website dedicated to the purpose of serving as a flagship for our show. On top of that, we’ve started to progressively turn it into a news aggregator. This process is only getting started.

Thus, from now on, we’re inviting all of our listeners to come on this site and spread it around to those around them in order to keep access to our shows. We’ll have alternative platforms, but only as backups. From now on, this is where it’s happening.

A few thoughts.

Censorship is generally a sign of effectiveness. Some have criticized our tone as “counter productive” – we’ve already explained our reasoning on that point. After the shutting down of our channel, we’ve basically reacquired our entire fanbase in a single week and have reached 10,000 listens on our new SoundCloud platform.

In other words, a lot of people are following us and like the show, in spite of the little trip ups that may happen along the way.

The project goes on and the team adapts. Indeed, it’s for the best, since it’s pushing us to develop it further.

Indeed, they’re getting criticized in the same way that Andrew was being criticized a few years back by the more “conservative” elements in the White nationalist spheres.

The “populist” approach is more or less unprecedented in Europe, at least in modern times. Nationalists have been “intellectual” and “high-brow” since forever, to basically no success. It’s about time they learned to meme.

Le Pen Sr. was based for sure. But forget about understanding his speeches unless you had a PhD in literature.

Kek wills it!

So if any French bros are reading this – and I know some of you read the Daily Stormer – make sure to check out as well as their entertaining podcast. Spread the word.