Memetic Monday: A Word From Colonel Gunter Brumm

Colonel Gunter Brumm and Ragnar Talks
Daily Stormer
July 18, 2016


Deputies! Men of the White Race, Soldiers, Frauen, Kinder, National Socialists!

No doubt as many of you have noticed Ragnar Talks has been absent. He has been overwhelmed by pressing matters with the Fuhrer in Berlin. My order are to take up his duties this week and address the Stormer Legions.

In the past 3 weeks, following the victories of our forces in Europa with the Brexit and Austrian recount and scarcely catching our breath, our proud Heer, Kreigsmarine, Luftwaffe, Waffen SS and Propaganda Legions have carried out Operation Blitzkrieg Hillary attacking the Witch on all North American fronts. The brave and tireless efforts of our Legions were repaid by having the names of Daily Stormer, Generalfeldmarschall Anglin and SS Gruppenfuher Donald Trumpowitz, as well as Operation #WhiteGenocide sullied during hijacked US Congressional Hearing by a degenerate American television personality known as Magilla Gorilla.

Barely able to celebrate our birthday in peace this 4th of July and just as we wrested the Laurels from Isis as Globalist Enemy #1 we were maliciously Jewed and Dolchstoßed by an unexpected Planet of the Apes Uprising simultaneously across the North American Theatre of Operations.

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Since that ignominious day and at the order of our Fuhrer, our Forces have been returning fire. Have no fear Gentlemen. From now on, attack will be met with attack, mean names will be met with mean names and cartoons will be met with cartoons ! These schweinhund who depart from the rules of humane warfare can only expect that we shall do the same. We will continue this struggle, no matter against whom, until the safety of the Reich, its citizens and its rights are secured.


Berlin has informed me that for 3 years now we have been working on the building up of our Siegfried Planetary Defenses. The Oberkommando der Wehrmacht of The Daily Stormer has spent unimaginable thousands and thousands of dollars. As you all know Gruppenfuhrer Zieger laid out in his plan](/trolling-strategy-briefing/ ) at the Wolfschanze for the continuation of the campaign yesterday

-Attack Hillary, the Clinton Foundation, her husband and her slaves via social media and comments.

-Research and compile funny meme images, one liners, links etc.

It is also of the utmost importance to contribute to the Armories that can be found below so that others can use our weapons as well.

Hillary Meme Armory

PNG Armory

GIF Armory

Berlin has also instructed that this is a good time to attack the Brown and Black Orcs and their incompatibility in Human Society, not just online but with people you meet and know. They are wounded and the Humans patience has grown thin so strike.

The Fuhrer expects from all of you that you do your duty wherever you may be assigned regardless of cost. May no one approach me to report that morale is low in his district. The one responsible for morale is you. No one has the right to cast off this responsibility. The slackers among us that have still not learned how to make memes and gifs need to spend time and study the tutorials below immediately. Do not worry about how good they are, just make them and post them. If you have a questions, ask your units for assistance.

Tutorials are found Here:

Lending Library

Meme Making

Globalist Trolling

Anniversary & Independence


As White National Socialists, we entered upon this struggle with stout hearts. Each of our lives have been nothing but one long struggle for our people and for their restoration. The sacrifices demanded of us today by the Fuhrer are no greater than those made by earlier generations. All men who have set out on this bitter path have accomplished less than what we must accomplish. Their sacrifice was not made without cost or suffering and was no easier for them to achieve than the one demanded of us.

The Fuhrer has instructed me to ask all of you one question…..


total war

Protect the Fuhrer !
Purge the Xenos !
Burn the Witch !

I am also pleased to announce that in the not too distant future, after our prophesied and inevitable galactic victory, The first of many Reichspartaitag/StormerCons at the Bellagio Casino and resort in Los Vegas. Rooms are filling up quickly so if you havent paid your Party Dues ($1488.00 or partail is good too) you can do so here.

Bitcoin: 1A1ryxZtz4LX7o1GEne9Qz49w3DFgfJaB

Sieg Heil Forever !

Colonel Gunter Brumm

And now a meme drop from Ragnar:

0183fb50ebe740d129430f33380f498da386e417 ecebb74a4644ea87188b7cd79a6379320677f2c3 983e6486641b5b57b0decd6d04e27e89c46398c4 0e07311ccfeb5bfe7da5060bc05c6b070c57dea1 9443718f967b605f13f4ac69c2fb54f7e5ece1c9 unnamed(3) unnamed(2) unnamed(1) unnamed

Thanks Colonel Brumm for the assist this week and as always please share your love and show your appreciation to Andrew and his efforts on the Daily Stormer.