Memetic Monday: Operation Redpill

Ragnar Talks
Daily Stormer
August 1, 2016

How much time do you spend out in the real world red-pilling friends, family, colleagues, passers-by? And by the real world, I mean when you are away from the ‘safe-space’ on these boards. It’s fantastic thing that we can all gather here together to share ideas, sharpen our wits, study that which is shared and seize on relevant happenings. It’s another matter to take that knowledge out of the echo-chamber and re-frame it into bite-sized morsels that can either plant seeds or be digested by those (virtually or literally) around us to break down their conditioning. Our battle is out there! Our training is in here!


I find myself constantly engaging those around me on race-realism (race and IQ, r/K theory, HBD), feminism vs traditionalism, white genocide and the JQ. Sometimes when I am waiting in a long line or pumping gas, knowing that there are some Aryans within earshot, I pretend to talk to someone on my phone discussing just these issues: i.e. “You ever wonder why diversity is occurring in white and only white countries? I think there is a genocidal scheme. et cetera” or “It’s sad how so many women now are so independent that they’ll die alone without having conceived a child and being the first of their ancestors to leave their parents grand-childless. It’s a long 40 years from 40 to 80 to be alone.”

You get the idea.

So it can be done directly (through conversation or social media platforms – normie-friendly in most cases as we’re going for conversion) or indirectly as a conversation to be overheard or a like or post on social media. My brothers and I do this in the gym when the occasional white person is in earshot. Often times we are surprised that our words give people the strength needed to open up and talk, other times we may be met with hostility but the seeds are planted and the next time won’t be as shocking to them.

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We have a battle and there is not much time to the November elections, so our Krieg must be swift, surgical and merciless. We either need to instill doubt in Shillary’s legitimacy or demoralize her followers to the point where they’ll stay home.

Bernie supporters are a prime target here as well, they have been shat upon and they can be converted to side with the Glorious Leader. I see it happening already, my FB feed used to be overrun with Bernie Babble but now to my surprise those same people are now talking about the Trump Train.

Hail Victory!

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And sorry, since Andrew’s not a jew and doesn’t do it enough, I have to ask and remind you all to donate a latte’s worth of coin a week to the Daily Stormer. Or at the very least a little Birthday Present to celebrate his 32nd year.

This is important work and your help is needed to save the universe.


To Valhalla!