Memetic Monday: The Deportening

Ragnar Talks
Daily Stormer
February 13, 2017

Deportations are underway! Oh the feels!

Just remember, when you’re all cozy in your bed at night: some poor beaner has to sleep with one eye open lest the Right Wing Deportation Squad extracts it from its hiding place; we might be woken from our slumber by the autistic screeching of the kikes and their brainless useful idiots (i.e. Communists, Antifa, Libtards, BLM, Cucks, etc.)

I’ve had a difficult time falling asleep lately, however, I did find a new technique that makes me right as rain. Try it and leave comments about this new technique. Lie down, close your eyes and count beaners and other brown beggars being hurled over the already completed wall.

All the Winning!

Are you tired yet?

Neither am I.

Please donate to the Stormer!!!!!

Bitcoin and snailmail are the two options!

THERE IS A NEW BITCOIN ADDRESS, as well as a mailing address.



Cash, check or money order:

Andrew Anglin
PO Box 208
Worthington, Ohio

Any Jews reading this, please send some shekels. Gas is expensive.

What kikeroach is behind the NetFux proposed ‘Dear White People’?

The DemonRats, Cuckservatives and lamestream media are all against our Fearless Leader. Scratch the surface and there you will find a jew; conniving, scheming and lying – same old, same old.