Memetic Monday: Wednesday Edition: I’m Still Here

Just to be clear, I’m still here.

I needed a minute.

But I said I’d do the memes. Also, I’m gonna publish something soon. Something fun. Might be retarded. Idk. I have no idea how people will take it. Something I wrote a long time ago, but am just now editing. It’s been long enough since I wrote it that I can’t remember reading it and it seems very funny, but we’ll see. Then I have some other things that will take longer. I’m also serious about weekly or maybe twice weekly (bi-weekly? None know the meaning of that word) normal essays like I always did, but which were suffocated by the news when I had no staff and had to work a job for money.

I think overall, people will be happy. Some people won’t be. Some will. Possibly more unhappy than happy. Idk. Don’t really care very much at this point tbh.

Oh and yeah, I’ll redo the cover of the site, make it more blog-like. And yes, I will link some kind of “best of” archive. At some point. Right now, I’ve got things going on. I’m juggling wheels within wheels. It feel like since quitting this news bullshit, and then literally turning off the news (unless it has to do with the Ukraine war), I’ve gotten a boost of creative energy. I’m literally dreaming more. What does that mean, I wonder? Does newsmedia somehow suppress dreams? Is that possible? Is it probable? It must necessarily suppress creativity and suffocate the soul, but I think everyone already knew that.

Anyway, regarding doing something different, this is what I decided: it’s better to fail than not try. I don’t think it’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all (unless you lost her on the bottom of a lake after she threatened to divorce you). But with work, specifically creative work, you have to know what is in you, how far you can max it out. Actually, I don’t think that is special for creative work. I think whatever your work is, if you don’t max it out, you’ll never know what you’re capable of. And maxing it involves max risk.

Of course, I don’t have any risk. My website is still up. I can just go back to doing this at any time. People already offered me huge sums of money to keep doing it, which was tempting, because that was a big part of the problem in my mind, but I don’t think it is anymore. Now it’s about these other projects I want to do, and seeing if they work.

Again, I’m releasing one thing soon, just finishing the editing, but I don’t really want it to speak for future projects, it’s just a silly thing and editing it has gotten me in the mindset of editing, which is the most important part of writing anything of consequence, and something that specifically and explicitly was never a part of anything on the Daily Stormer, as evidenced by these several paragraphs here. Anyway, excited to share.

Editor’s Pick of the Week:


The Primo Collection: