Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 15, 2015

I have presented a theory that eventually the Marxist left will become all of the jokes that I make about them. In actual fact, this is already happening. In real life.
For some time now, I’ve promoted Taylor Swift as a Nazi icon. I can’t remember if I made that up or if /pol/ did. But the joke, for people who need such jokes explained, is based on both her physical appearance, which is that of an Aryan Supergoddess, and her demeanor, which tends to be reserved and perhaps even wholesome (at least in comparison to other young female pop figures).
Also, one time she went to a party with a guy wearing a swastika shirt.

Regrettably, Taylor has been infiltrated by the filthy kike Lena Dunham, and her persona has been slightly scarred. Been acting a bit dirtier. Still no Miley Cyrus, however.

Incredible the way these rats will weasel their way into everything which could conceivably be good for White people.
So anyway.
Camille Paglia has come out and actually called Taylor a Nazi and a Fascist. Apparently, because of her aesthetic.
For Hollywood Reporter, she writes that Taylor’s “twinkly persona is such a scary flashback to the fascist blondes who ruled the social scene during my youth.”
The whole of the thing seems to be that bit there – that Swift reminds her of girls who were better looking than she was.

She goes on to say: “Swift herself should retire that obnoxious Nazi Barbie routine of wheeling out friends and celebrities as performance props.”
I don’t know what that part means. But it’s super-hardcore to throw “Nazi Barbie” out there like that. She is disgusted by beauty and femininity in a woman. And such a female must necessarily be a Nazi.
What else would she be?
Next, Obama is going to give a press conference responding to Donald Trump and say “you’ll cowards don’t even smoke crack.”