Mercer Drops Support for Imploding Bannon After Trump Attacks and Suggestion of 2020 Run

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 4, 2018

This Bannon situation is a real kick straight in the balls.

He has literally lost his mind.

And don’t get me wrong – I understand it. He put everything on Trump and Trump didn’t pan out as the populist revolutionary he was planning on, instead siding too much with his Jewish son-in-law.

“I’ll just do it myself then” is an obvious thought for a person to entertain. But it isn’t a logical thing to act on. Putting out the idea into the public realm that he is considering running against Trump in 2020 is a move which comes across as completely insane – especially when it is coupled with attacking Trump over Russia. It would still be a little bit wacky if he was basing the attacks on Trump on real things – immigration and foreign policy – but it would be a lot better.

The fact that he made his major attack on Trump based on the Russia stuff just demonstrates that he has become unhinged.

I did not want this to happen. No one wanted this to happen. Even after the Roy Moore debacle, Bannon had the potential to do good work, though on a smaller scale. Now… I think he’s pretty well rekt himself.

The Hill:

Former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon has reportedly lost the support of billionaire backer Rebekah Mercer after he suggested he might run for president himself.

A person close to Mercer told The Washington Post that she no longer supports Bannon. According to the report, Mercer was frustrated with Bannon’s strategy in the Alabama Senate special election and pulled her funding after he told other major conservative donors that Mercer would back Bannon in his own presidential bid.

Bannon, now head of Breitbart News, supported Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore, who was dogged by allegations of sexual misconduct, in his eventual defeat to now-Sen. Doug Jones (D) in December.

The core constituency for Breitbart is what you would call the Trump Deplorables. That’s the audience. And if they’re asked to choose between Steve and Trump, they’re going to choose Trump. That’s clear,” a person familiar with Breitbart News’s operations told the Post.

Yeah, that’s the thing.

And Steve has to know this. He has to understand that Trump is a personality cult for most of the people involved. Yes, they agree with his positions, but it is basic human psychology for most people that when they commit themselves to a leader, they will stick with him pretty much whatever he does.

Obviously, the Alt-Right isn’t like that. We have no problems being critical of Trump when he is wrong. But we are a unique minority. And Bannon has effectively attacked us by withdrawing support for Paul Nehlen. So he isn’t going to launch some racial nationalist challenge to Trump, which wouldn’t win but would be a worthy endeavor (as long as it was only a primary challenge and not a third party challenge – there is no excuse for electing a Democrat right now).

If he ran on a race-based platform against Trump, that would at least interject ideas into the public discussion and force Trump to adopt some more hardline positions.

But honestly, after he’s thrown Nehlen under the bus, I don’t really even understand what Bannon’s positions are.

Henry Kissinger is quoted in the same book that Bannon made his statements in saying that the conflict between Bannon and Kushner represents a Jew vs. Goyim situation. But Bannon is definitely not rolling with that.

And even if he WAS going to go with that, attacking Trump over Russia wouldn’t make any sense whatsoever.

It was unclear from the report whether Mercer, who bought a stake of Breitbart News from her father in November, will continue to back the right-wing news site. The report said she is no longer backing any future Bannon projects.

Rumors of a possible Bannon run in 2020 are reportedly mentioned in Michael Wolff’s new book “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.”

Bannon made headlines after he was quoted in the book criticizing Trump’s eldest son for a meeting in Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer who promised “dirt” on Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

“Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit, and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately,” Bannon said, according to the book.

President Trump responded to Bannon’s remarks in a statement on Wednesday, accusing his former adviser of losing his mind.

It appears that Trump is correct.

I believe that he has indeed lost his mind.

That’s understandable. He’s under levels of pressure a normal person couldn’t possibly begin to understand.

The Jewish homosexual Matt Drudge is making headlines with some tweets, the first of which claimed that Bannon now has a Chinese backer.

That has not been independently confirmed.

Drudge is also calling for Bannon to be fired from Breitbart and replaced with editor Alex Marlow.

I don’t know the details of Breitbart’s relationship to Bannon. He is definitely the head of it. But if he can be fired, they now definitely have reason to do so.

There is just no excuse for what Bannon has done, other than full psychological collapse.

It is very interesting that this happened right after he threw Nehlen under the bus. Because if he had stood by Nehlen, I would presently be speculating that he was planning a full racial revolt.

I believe that Bannon must be a crypto-white nationalist. There is no other explanation for his passion about nonwhite immigration. But he is a baby boomer and thus he genuinely believes that you can never go full-on with a racist agenda, so you have to obfuscate it by working with Jews and by talking exclusively about immigration instead of race. Even while he has said he supports immigration from Europe, which gives the entire game away.

As the reader is aware, I have been very supportive of the Bannonist agenda to beat cuck candidates in primary races – and I have also been very pessimistic about the viability of that agenda following the defeat of Roy Moore.

It is hard to draw any major lesson from this situation, simply because at the core of it, it appears to be the result of a mental breakdown. Meaning that the only actual big lesson of the whole situation would be: don’t overwork yourself, don’t substitute alcohol for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and always think before any major decision that will change your entire life.

I don’t think the lesson is that using primary races to remove cuck candidates couldn’t ever work. I actually think it could have worked. Now, it can’t. Because Bannon was the head of it, and he has lost his mind.

All easy solutions to our problems are being systematically eliminated.