Merkel Begs May to Delay Brexit Until After Her Election to Stop Nazis

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 17, 2016


Only by manipulating the will of the British people can Germany stop Nazism… this sounds familiar…

The female leader of Germany has called-up the female leader of the UK and asked her for a YUGE favor.

Daily Express:

Angela Merkel has desperately tried to convince Theresa May to delay Brexit until after the German elections because of fears it could encourage the success of the extreme right.

In September next year, there will be elections in Mecklenburg, Pomerania and Berlin, and in Spring in North Rhine Westphalia – a region with 18 million voters – and in the Autumn of 2017 there are national elections that could crown the Chancellor as the longest running leader in German history.

However, the Eurosceptic, far right party Alternative for Deutschland, are heading for a successful outcome in the upcoming elections.

They have attracted votes because of the Chancellor’s soft stance on migrants and anger Germany contributes £22.4billion to the EU budget and the country gets back £9.9billion from European investments.

Berlin is already the biggest contributor to the European Union and when London confirms it is leaving the bloc, there will be a huge £9.8billion to make up for.

According to reports in the Italian newspaper, La Stampa, Mrs Merkel wants to delay for as long as possible the fate of relations between London and the European bloc.

The Italian newspaper claims Mrs Merkel wants the European Council to deal with the Brexit dossier because this creates delays.

In a press conference with Mrs May, she said: “The request to leave the EU must come from the UK and there is no time limit. The drafting of the negotiation guidelines are decided by the Council.”

Can you imagine if Merkel wins this next election?