Merkel Deal: Turkey Only Sends Retards and Criminals, Keeps Educated Refugees

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 22, 2016


“ISIS is a pretty cool guy.” -Tayyip Erdogan, BF of Mama Merkel

This is so, so funny.

Merkel signed a deal with Erdogan – ostensibly to cut down on the number of refugees in Europe – where she deports one refugee to Turkey, and in return, accepts one refugee into Europe.

For those not good at math, that means the number remains the same. But actually the number doesn’t remain the same, because people are still pouring in.

Part of the deal is that Turkey is allowed to send any refugees they want.

Shockingly, they’re keeping the professionals and only sending criminals and people with mental disabilities.

No one could have predicted it.

Merkel never thought to Google “Turkish character.”


European officials are accusing Ankara of foul play within the EU-Turkey refugee deal, claiming that Ankara is not allowing qualified Syrian refugees to leave the country.

Top EU officials have expressed anger at Turkey’s selective approach to sending Syrian refugees – currently living in the country – to Europe, according to Spiegel magazine.

They insist that most refugees coming from Turkey under the “one in, one out” deal are people with “severe illnesses” and a “low educational background,” stressing that it is Turkish officials who are exclusively in charge of selecting candidates for leaving for the EU.

Hilariously though, they are not violating any terms of the deal.

Merkel signed a contract.

And this was in it.

The hasty deal between the EU and Turkey includes a controversial refugee exchange scheme. Under the plan, Syrian refugees on the Greek islands are being returned to Turkey, while EU countries are taking asylum seekers currently living in the country.

At an internal EU meeting, a representative of Luxembourg said that the list of departing refugees proposed by Turkey overwhelmingly “contained [people] with serious medical cases or refugees with very low education.” The same tendency was reported by German Deputy Interior Minister Ole Schröder to the corresponding committee of the Bundestag, the lower house of the parliament, according to Spiegel.

During the same meeting, representatives of Germany, the Netherlands and Luxembourg reportedly told the assembly that over the past weeks Turkish authorities have repeatedly been rejecting exit applications filed by Syrian well-trained engineers, doctors and other professionals, who could successfully integrate into European societies.

Under the controversial migrant deal, Brussels has given Ankara exclusive rights to select refugees permitted to leave the country and re-settle into the EU. Previously, the UNHCR, which was in charge of this procedure, has been “officially informed” by Turkish authorities that Syrian academics will “no longer be allowed to travel to Turkey,” Spiegel wrote.

Gotta give it to the Turks.

Officially informing the UN that they’re only going to be sending mentally ill people, retards and criminals is a hilarious move.


I guess there were no lawyers allowed to read over the deal before Merkel signed it. Maybe that would have been sexist, implying Merkel is something other than an empowered female capable of taking care of business on her own.


Either that, or this is all part of the plan to continue to destroy Europe through rapid, chaotic Islamization.

Because it kinda looks like Jew-backed Merkel is purposefully committing a genocide against White Europeans.