Merkel Gets Pig’s Head

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 15, 2016^tfw

The German people have been backed up against the wall.

They’re angry.


A severed pig’s head bearing insulting comments has been found outside the office of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s party in the German city of Stralsund.

According to police in the Baltic city, a patrol car noticed the animal head on the footsteps of the Christian Democratic Union’s (CDU) regional office at 5:40 am on Saturday. Refusing to comment on the exact content of the message, authorities only said that the porcine remains bore an “insulting inscription” directed against the German leader.

Police have opened an investigation into the incident, seeking to find those responsible for insulting the Chancellor and violating the carcass disposal law.

Many observers found symbolism in the crime’s location, as Merkel started to climb the political ladder in 1990 after being elected to parliament in Stralsund.

Merkel currently faces stiff opposition to her liberal immigration policies, which allowed over 1.1 million refugees to settle in Germany last year.