Merkel is Probably Going to Get the Nobel Peace Prize for Genociding Germany

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 4, 2015

Dat bitch be bringin all kinsa peace upindis muffugguh
Dat bitch be bringin all kinsa peace upindis muffugguh

I’d say it’s pretty well a done deal that Merkel is going to get the Nobel Peace Prize for having began a genocide not just against her own country, but against all of Europe.

To be fair, at least committing a genocide is doing something. Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize just for being Black.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been tipped to win this year’s Nobel Peace Prize after opening her country’s doors to the growing number of refugees fleeing from war and persecution.

Ahead of the Nobel prize season, which begins on Monday, Germany’s influential Bild newspaper declared the 61-year-old politician had ‘a good chance’ of being crowned winner of the award.

This, it said, is due to her response to both Europe’s migrant crisis and the situation in Ukraine.

‘Reasons: her actions in the Ukraine crisis and the refugee policies,’ the daily newspaper said.

Wait, what did she do in the Ukraine again? Fund a coup and then start a civil war?

I thought that was mostly US-based Jewish groups?

The newspaper’s tip comes amid speculation that Merkel’s attitude toward migrants fleeing from their home countries to her own could be recognised by the prestigious jury next week.

The first Nobel to be announced will be the medicine prize on Monday.

The jury in Stockholm reveals the winner or winners around 11:30 am (0930 GMT).

Kristian Berg Harpviken, director of the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), is one of a few experts who has the audacity to make a bet.

And according to him ‘Angela Merkel will get the Peace Prize,’ he told reporters in Oslo this week.

‘Angela Merkel is the one who really took moral leadership and who turned the debate on refugee issues in a European context entirely around,’ Harpviken said.

I’d say there’s a 98% chance she’ll get it.

Simply insane.

If we’re going to give a peace prize to genocidal maniac, we should give it to Mugabe.

At least he hates faggots.