Merkel Planning to Bring 12 Million More Hajis Into Germany

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 11, 2017

This sloppy bitch is unhinged!

No wonder she’s losing in the polls!

Daily Express:

Angela Merkel may just have pushed through rapid deportation rules as well as a ban on refugees but she is not planning on closing Germany’s doors to migrants forever.

Just last week the under-fire German Chancellor placed a ban on the families of as many as three million people who arrived in Germany during the migrant crisis joining their relatives.

The ban, which also applies to women and children and elderly relatives from war torn countries, has been put in place for two years after the country revealed the crisis will cost £37bn this year.

B-b-b-b-but it’s g-g-goood for the economy…!

Now just days after the Bundestag voted to speed up deportation and mandatory finger printing, it’s emerged they have outlined the country needs 300,000 people a YEAR for the next 40 years to stop population decline.

A leaked report from Mrs Merkel’s government said Germany would need to take in 12m migrants over the next four decades to keep Germany’s population size stable.

But the staggering figures unearthed by the Rheinische Post are only set to infuriate far-right voters who are already reeling after almost 2.2 million migrants flooded into the country in 2015 alone.

According to local reports a new report drafted by the Government has admitted the issue of migrant integration is a thorny subject.

The report on refugee integration states: “According to the experiences this will not be easy and will last longer than initially often hoped.

“Successes will only be visible in the medium to long term.”

What does a “successful” population replacement program look like, exactly?

The Moslems feel comfortable enough that they are in control that they no longer feel the need to attack Germans on the street and gang-rape women to assert dominance?

Locally, Mrs Merkel’s government is coming under pressure after it was deemed that 345,000 new homes have to be built each year to house those travelling to the country to live.

However the cost of living is rising in Germany with rents apparently becoming unsustainable.

Now, despite facing a tough battle with former EU president Martin Schulz ahead of September’s national election, the Chancellor is remains resolute.

Last week she travelled to Stuttgart to pick up an award for her migrant crisis which has mostly been condemned not only in her own country but in Italy, Greece and Malta.

And she said she intends to continue on her path appearing to ignore the fact that Germany has been plagued with terror since 2015.

This bitch is seriously insane.

But this is the case with all childless old women.

There is absolutely no purpose to a woman who never birthed children.

These old maids need to be relegated to the fringes of society where they belong, as worthless objects. Not put in charge of countries.