Merkel Plans Conscription Scheme to Force Germans to Fight and Die for Poland

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 23, 2016


Merkel in her war room.

Merkel really is the reverse Hitler.

It’s almost as if she sits around and thinks “what would Hitler do?” and then does the exact opposite.

So, if Hitler would invade Poland to protect the German people from Polish aggression, Merkel would send Germans to die to protect Polish aggression.


The German government may revive nationwide conscription in times of crisis, such as situations in which the country needs to “defend NATO’s external borders,” according to local media citing a controversial paper drafted by the Interior Ministry.

The so-called “Civil Defense Concept,” which is due to be discussed by the German cabinet on Wednesday, mainly focuses on fulfilling Germany’s obligations to defend NATO’s external border.

No, not to defend Germany, friends.

You gotta die to defend aggressive former communist states attempting to incite a war with Russia.


NATO’s borders

It’s an obligation, goyim.

However, the controversial proposal to revive conscription does not lie on the surface and can only be found buried in a section entitled “Civil support for the armed forces,” according to DPA news agency.

Conscription was suspended in Germany in 2011 after long-standing debates in the government and society, with advocacy groups and experts arguing that it was no longer necessary for the country to maintain a large Cold War-era standing army to defend Europe from a perceived Soviet threat.

In June, German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen said conscription will not be reintroduced, notwithstanding renewed tensions with Russia and the terror threat posed by Islamic State (IS, previously ISIS/ISIL).

Yes, the German Minister of War (which is now called a “Defense Minister,” because of Orwellian Jews), is a woman.


If you think that’s insane, get this – their Chancellor is also a woman.

Conscription is specifically authorized in the German constitution and can be returned with a simple law approved by the parliament, according to Die Zeit.

The document goes far beyond modern-day military outsourcing tasks and discusses other proposals resembling war-time measures.

In times of crisis, the draft reads, the federal government can ensure “nutritional emergency preparedness” by imposing “tax obligations relating to cultivation, processing, distribution and sale of food products.”

Other excerpts from the paper previously leaked by German media included the idea of making citizens stockpile food and water reserves – enough to last at least ten days – in the event of a major disaster or a military invasion.

The “Civil Defense Concept” marks the first time since the Cold War that the German government has considered such measures, but the plan was devised as early as 2012, according to Frankfurter Allgemeine.

The fact is, if NATO starts a war with Russia – like, if they actually try to invade the country, as they are apparently thinking about doing – Berlin is going to get nuked.


The West continues to deal with Russia as if they are bullying some desert monkey who rules over a population of cave-dwelling camel-herders. It is the only paradigm that any of the prominent figures have for dealing with war – a situation where they have absolute power over an enemy, which they can order around, then destroy if they wish to.

But alas, things with Russia are very different.

Over the last year, we’ve seen signs that they’ve been actually engaging in serious military R&D while the US has been researching how to give pre-pubescent boys estrogen injections and Germany was developing regulations for animal brothels.

We basically have a retarded boy hitting a beehive with a stick type situation going on here.