Merkel Reaches Deal with Shillhofer to Avoid Government Collapse

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 3, 2018

I told you this guy was going to pussy out.

It did look for a minute there like it might all come crashing down.

But German people have no will. Even the shills barely have the will to shill.

Seehofer is a Merkel shill, but he was thinking about saving himself so he could become lead shill and shill even harder than Merkel ever shilled for the browning of Germany, then he didn’t have the nerve.

Nothing changed.

She just called his bluff and he crumbled.

But after this little incident, the Merkel regime is that much weaker. I don’t even know if I want her to be forced out though. Replacing her with some other shill would almost be worse, as the new shill would come in with some cartoonish “change” hype like they all do, and dazzle the masses while pushing the same policies.


The political crisis in Germany seems to have been averted, as the ruling coalition reached a “sustainable solution” on illegal migration, according to German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, who has agreed not to resign.

“After intensive discussions between the CDU and CSU we have reached an agreement on how we can in future prevent illegal immigration on the border between Germany and Austria,” he told reporters late on Monday, leaving the CDU’s Berlin headquarters.

Seehofer, who is also party leader of Germany’s Christian Social Union (CSU) in Bavaria, said that he will continue serving as interior minister, after the two conservative parties reached a clear agreement on how to handle migrants.

It comes just one day after reports emerged that Seehofer, who threatened to use his power to turn away migrants at the German border, allegedly said that he’d rather resign than give in to Merkel, who is adamantly against turning away new arrivals.

So his last three positions in the last three days:

  1. “I’ll close the border myself!”
  2. “No, no, wait – I’m resigning!”
  3. “Oh okay, I won’t resign or do anything else. It’s okay.”

Again – nothing changed other than his own position.

In other words, it was:

  1. Bluff
  2. Bluff
  3. Fold


Merkel has also confirmed that a good compromise was reached, with her party’s chairwoman, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, saying the deal will prevent migrants registered elsewhere from entering Germany. The German chancellor also said that transit centers will be established in Germany which will return migrants to the European countries from which they arrived.

They have “reached deals” like 40 times since Merkel invited these people in 2015.

There is never any change.

Because since 2015, new arrivals have been a minor issue. The real issue is all of the people who are already in the country.

In addition to transit centers, there will be a new border regime at the Germany-Austria border to ensure “that we prevent asylum seekers whose asylum procedures are the responsibility of other EU countries from entering the country,” Deutsche Welle reported.



“I am glad that this agreement has been reached. It has once again become clear that it is worth fighting for a conviction. And what follows now is a very sustainable and clear agreement for the future. The agreement meets my expectations on all three points,” Seehofer said after agreeing to the deal.

Reaching a deal and appeasing Seehofer was extremely important for Merkel. If Seehofer would have resigned, Merkel would have no longer had a parliamentary majority and new elections would have been held.

Meanwhile, Austria has responded to this by saying it’s going to close its southern border.


The Austrian government, meanwhile, called for quick clarification of the German government’s position and said it was prepared for all scenarios. The Austria Press Agency reported that Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, his vice chancellor and interior minister said the German agreement suggests that “Germany wants to take national measures to tackle migration flows.”

If that becomes the German government’s position, they said Austria “is prepared in particular to take measures to protect our southern borders” with Italy and Slovenia.

So this – apparently – means all of the Africans are trapped in Italy.

But again – again – the new migrants are irrelevant to the discontent among the German people. They are concerned about the ones already there. And there is no way in hell Merkel is going to mass-deport people to Italy and Greece.

So: nothing has changed, other than that the EU is maybe slightly more closed up and fractured.