Merkel Set to Get BTFO by AfD in Her Home State Today

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 4, 2016


Witness, ye man, the close of the Age of the Granny-Run Multicultural Nanny State.

Daily Express:

A German anti-migrant party is set for a staggering victory at the polls amid growing discontent with Chancellor Angela Merkel a year after she announced her open borders policy.

Germany’s Alternative for Deutschland party (AfD) is expected to secure 22 per cent of the vote in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern today, which will be followed by another key vote in Berlin in two weeks and national elections in September.

Mrs Merkel’s Christian Democrat Union (CDU) is expected to win a similar share of votes, but will be facing an uphill struggle after already being rejected in favour of the AfD in THREE state elections already in March.

The election is taking place exactly a year after Mrs Merkel’s decision to open Germany’s borders to thousands of refugees, which sparked wide spread criticism and calls for her to resign from her opposition.

A win for AfD in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, a small coastal town in northeastern Germany with just 1.3million eligible voters, could be embarrassing for the CDU leader – whose own electoral district is in the state.

Party candidate Leif-Erik Holm said: “We hope to become the strongest party in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania.”

The anti-immigration party, founded two years after the last election in the state and adopted an anti-Islam policy in May 2016, is also expected to make gains nationwide as Germany goes to the polls today.

A new survey has revealed that if the national election were held next week, the AfD would win 12 per cent of the vote – making it the third largest party in Germany.

Meanwhile Mrs Merkel’s approval ratings have sunk to a five-year low of 45 per cent over the past year.

I don’t really believe those numbers.

Of course, many women do still support the invasion, but I think it is less than half at this point.

Making a last minute campaign appearance in the district, she warned voters against the politics of “angst” offered by the AfD and instead look at the current coalition’s policies that have halved unemployment and boosted tourism.

She said: “It’s going to be a tight race, every vote counts. This election is about the future of this state.”

But she also defended her decision to welcome so many migrants into Germany – 1.1million last year – while denying that her decision cut funding for the German public.


“Money isn’t a zero sum game. We can pour billions upon billions of euros into these migrants without it affecting anything.”

It seems to be that there’s a problem with that math.


You’ve promised very generous welfare to nearly 2 million illiterate people who are going to produce an average of 5 children each.

Though I guess it makes as much sense as saying that “Germany will remain Germany” even while it is filled-up with non-Germans who in fact harbor a deep hatred for Germany.


As German as sausages.

Maybe nothing means anything because nothing is real.