Merkel Threatens to Close Borders and Trap Her Moslems in Other Euro States

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 29, 2016


So, Merkel’s quota program, intended to force every country in Europe to release tens of thousands of Islamic gang-rapists onto their streets, is not going over well. Hungary has called a referendum and Poland is saying they won’t take them, and if they don’t do it no one else is going to accept it either.

So she’s developed an extremely clever plan b: just close the borders of Germany, trapping the migrants she invited into Germany in other European countries.

It’s absolutely brilliant. This kind of outside-the-box thinking is why you need women in politics.

The Telegraph:

Germany is threatening to close its borders to asylum seekers in an attempt to pressure other governments into doing more to solve the migrant crisis.

While Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, insists she wants to keep Europe’s borders open, plans leaked to German newspaper on Sunday suggest that her government is drawing up measures to reinstate its own national controls.

In what Welt am Sonntag newspaper called a “clear threat to the EU”, sources said that Germany was considering turning away asylum seekers at the border.

Such a move could leave countries that have been critical of Mrs Merkel’s “open-door” refugee policy struggling to cope with hundreds of thousands of migrants.

It’s a great punishment. And also it isn’t really a punishment because diversity is good and it enriches your culture.


So actually it is more of a gift.

Sources close to Thomas de Maiziere, the interior minister, told Welt am Sonntag that he had ordered officials to draw up plans to close the borders.

“For de Maiziere, the time of waving the refugees through is over,” the sources said.

Sigmar Gabriel, Germany vice-chancellor, has commissioned a report on the possible economic consequences of closing Germany’s borders.

In Bavaria, the state government has ordered police to make preliminary preparations to reintroduce permanent border controls and start turning away asylum seekers.

Any closure of Germany’s borders would have to be approved by Mrs Merkel.

The latest moves appear to be an attempt to pressure other governments ahead of an EU-Turkey summit next Monday.

Oh, there it is. She is constantly talking about pressuring people into getting gang-raped on the streets.

That reminds me. Somebody needs to make a video montage of the invasion with this song:

Mr de Maiziere has decided the summit will be the “turning point”, according to Welt.

The main “turning point” was actually probably when Merkel openly abolished EU law and invited millions of people from every third world country to come live in Germany on welfare.

Another “turning point” was when she flipped-up the game and said she couldn’t deal with all of these welfare Moslems she invited and told every other country they have to have them.

But yeah, enacting some policy to physically force other countries to get flooded would be another “turning point.”


If EU leaders cannot agree a joint strategy to tackle the crisis at the meeting, Germany is prepared to take unilateral action.


They’re really good at that.

Mrs Merkel has been leading negotiations for EU states to take in a fixed quota of Syrian refugees from Turkey in exchange for Turkish help reducing the flow of migrants into Europe.

Yeah, this was a really cool idea.

Take in more refugees from Turkey so you get less refugees from Turkey.

But she has faced growing opposition from a number of European countries, who say they will not accept quotas.

Austria and several eastern European counties have called for Greece’s northern borders to be closed as an alternative way to stop the influx.

That has left Greece fearful it will be left to deal with the crisis alone.

Mr de Maiziere’s move appears to be an attempt to turn the tables on other European governments, warning that if Germany closes its borders they will be left to deal with the influx.

Germany is understood to have drawn up plans to turn asylum seekers away by enforcing the EU’s Dublin regulations, under which asylum seekers must register their claim in the first member state they reach.


That’s what she abolished when she told them to walk through the Balkans to Germany!

Now she’s bringing it back to trap them in the Balkans!

That could leave countries across the continent scrambling to send refugees back to their first point of entry in the EU.

“Greece, I…”


While other governments have attacked Mrs Merkel’s “open-door” refugee policy, Germany has long complained that has been left to shoulder most of the burden alone.

Yeah, why should Germany have to suffer for the decisions of Germany?

Women in politics: absolutely brilliant.

If she really does this, it could potentially result in a total break-up of the EU.
