Merkel Visits Northern Germany, is Told to GTFO

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 28, 2016

Merkel did not get a very warm welcome during a recent visit to Stralsund.


During the New Year’s reception for their constituency in the evening in the Old Brewery in Stralsund, Merkel gave an address defending her refugee policy and stressed the “great task of integration.”

Merkel: “We want to reduce the numbers appreciably and sustainably.”

During the visit of the Chancellor a demonstration was held in the square in front of the town hall, with proponents and opponents of her [refugee] policy. Among them were many members and sympathizers of the AFD and NDP.

The Chancellor was subject to the calls of over 100 people [chanting] “Merkel has to go,” but was unimpressed. Originally, the organizers had expected 300 participants. Around 40 counter-demonstrators were also arrived at the Old Market.

Yes, counter-demonstrators are pro-rape. They are “protesting” in defense of the government. Pro-government protesters. The German government has before openly admitted to paying groups to organize protests against the people, in support of the government.

Germany is such a mess.