Hello everyone, and Merry Christmas!
I hope everyone is very good and enjoying time with their family.
Everything is good for me, except that unfortunately, last night, the beautiful actress Zendaya broke into my house and stole all the presents from under my tree, dragging them back to her filthy underground shack, where she wallows in her own ooze.

However, not even Zendaya and her nasty tricks can ruin my joyful Christmas, because even without presents, we feel the joy of love.
Love was always the message, and maybe the presents were getting in the way. Maybe by stealing all of our presents, Zendaya unwittingly taught us the real message of Christmas joyfulness.
Maybe she isn’t so evil after all. They say that beauty is on the inside, so I don’t expect that someone as beautiful as Zendaya would have much inner beauty, given that she has such great external beauty.

But with no presents to open, we are opening our hearts to joyfulness.
But seriously, the meme that Christmas is too commercialized was very true when I was a kid, but as I’ve grown up, it seems to be less so. Maybe I’m just not tapped into the mainstream, but the kids seem less excited about gifts than they are about spending time with their cousins. What’s more, in general, people seem to be getting more religious, and not in the commercialized Americanist “evangelical Christianity” sense, but in a more authentic and spiritual sense.
Religion has a purpose, which is not something so plain as prayer and ritual. Religion is intended to connect us to one another through our shared identity as children of God. The word “religion” means “to bind,” as in “to bind the people together.” And surely, Christ told us: “love one another as I have loved you.”
Indeed, that is what we do as children of God, what we do as families: we love one another.
The act of getting together with our families and enjoying one another’s company, bonding with one another, is a spiritual act, and it is commanded by Jesus that we do this. Love is a divine act, as God is the source of all love. When you love others, you are channeling the Holy Spirit.
Prayer and going to church is important, of course, but the real purpose of the Christian faith is love, and there is no more meaningful Christian act than loving your family.
So I do hope everyone is spending time with their family today, and I hope everyone followed my advice and did not bring up the Jews or other issues that would create conflict. I know that some of you might have liberal families, and that is unfortunate, but it doesn’t change your own duty to love your family.
Whereas God tells us to love one another, the worldly creature Zendaya has a very different message, which is totally negative. Her message is: “Ooga booga.”
Reject the world, reject the frivolous beauty of Zendaya, and focus on the things that are real, the things that matter in this life.
When we look at the nativity, we do not see prayer per se, but a family together basking in the majesty of a newborn child. Of course, that was a very special child, but all children have the spark of the divine in them.
These moments of connection are what you will think of when you are old. These are the moments that will live on beyond your mortal coil, the love you give and receive imprinting itself on the fabric of reality.
Family is the most import thing of all, and it is the simplest thing.
Please enjoy yourself today. In fact, get off your phone right now. Go spend time with your family. If you have family members you don’t get to see during the rest of the year, try to talk to them. Even if all they want to talk about is some sports thing or whatever, just talk to them and smile and make them feel like you care about whatever it is they’re saying.
Savor these moments. It’s the only thing in life that matters. And life does not go on forever.
Zendaya could be outside of your house right now, waiting in the bushes, and she could be planning something worse than a robbery. You never know when your number will come up. You’ll never regret time spent with your family. Those are the most important people, and most likely, they will be the only people who you can ever really trust and know you belong amongst.