Daily Stormer
January 30, 2014

The decapitated body of what appears to be a Mexican man has been found in Wyoming:
The discovery of an unidentified murder victim’s headless body nearly three weeks ago on a remote, dead-end dirt road in Wyoming has stymied investigators and led some residents to speculate that big-league drug violence has reached a rural county just east of Yellowstone National Park.
However, authorities insist they’re still looking for a motive for the grisly crime, along with the victim’s identity. Duck hunters found the man’s body Jan. 9 near the town of Powell.
A pathologist determined the man – no more than 35 years old, about 5-foot-8, and 180 to 200 pounds – was killed by multiple gunshot wounds before he was decapitated. One of his arms also was cut off.
It’s believed the man was killed about two days before he was found.
“You’ve got a body missing an arm and a head, no missing persons reports,” Lance Mathess, a spokesman for the Park County Sheriff’s Office, said Wednesday. “Nobody’s come forward with any solid identification leads at this point, so it really makes it a difficult investigation.”
The victim – stocky, physically fit and white or light-skinned Hispanic – was wearing an elaborate, embroidered belt buckle featuring a horsehead. Authorities say that buckle style is similar to craftsmanship from some villages in Mexico and Guatemala.
These circumstances strongly point towards the involvement of Mexican drug cartels. These non-white criminal organizations have slaughtered tens of thousands of people in the most gruesome fashion, and this violence will continue to spread throughout our country as long as non-white immigration is allowed.

As the Jew-controlled politicians wring their hands about needing to work harder to “assimilate” the mestizo hordes, our country is being destroyed. The clear, undeniable fact of the matter is that as communities become less white, more people are killed. Even if assimilation were possible, it still would not be worth it. The dream of a multiracial society is not worth a single innocent white life. But the fear of being labeled a “racist” is so great, that most Americans would prefer that they be victimized by non-white criminals than stand up and fight for White interests.
Our time, however, is running out. Soon there will be no more safe, White communities to run to. Every White community will be defiled, stripped of its security and decency.