Meticulous German Record Keeping

The Rebel
October 21, 2013


One of the great myths of the Nazi extermination of the Jews hoax is that the Germans destroyed all the records of the supposed extermination, particularly as those records related to the various alleged extermination camps. This is completely incorrect. In fact, the Germans meticulously documented virtually everything they did in these camps. Thus, the German documents show that in the western camps such as Dachau, the prisoners were adequately fed and housed until the break down in late 1944. That is when the camps originally intended for ten to twenty thousand prisoners were overfilled with two to three hundred thousand prisoners, refugees from the east. The extensive camp records also show that food was adequate until massive allied aerial bombardments cut off rations and supplies. With Auschwitz, the main so-called extermination camp, the records show that all the prisoners who were not to be deported further east were separated into those who could work and those who could not work. The latter were assigned to huge hospital facilities to rehabilitate them.

The camp records meticulously document the approximately 150,000 deaths from typhus, heart attacks, disease and occasional shootings. But they say nothing about “gassings”. The records of radio traffic between Berlin and Auschwitz in top secret codes thought by the Germans to be secure make no mention of exterminations. The records do reflect a desire by the Germans to reduce the death rate by typhus at the camp to increase the labor supply. Very extensive records exist of Zyklon B being used for delousing operations to control the typhus epidemics. They show the building of crematoria to burn diseased bodies, literature warning of the dangers of lice, extensive delousing of clothing, buildings and barracks, etc. The records even show extensive recreation facilities for the prisoners such as libraries, theaters and swimming pools. But no records exist of plans for killing Jews.

One must ask the question: Is it really conceivable that a people so meticulous in their record keeping could possibly have failed to document on every level the supposed mass murder of the Jews? We have Hitler’s order for the execution of every Russian male following the fall of Stalingrad. We have his order for the execution of the British commandos he believed were violating the laws of war. Hitler made no attempt to camouflage or hide these orders. Yet when it comes to the massive undertaking of exterminating every Jew in Europe, an undertaking that would have required huge diversion of railroad and transport services from a losing war effort, we have no records at all. We have no budget, no clearly established lines of authority for the killing, no troops diverted from battlefield operations for the purpose of rounding up and killing Jews, no guidelines for when bullets were to be used versus Zyklon B, no central agency for accumulating kill totals, nothing. All we have is nonsense about code language and veiled intent.

The records of the Soviet NKVD are extensive indeed. They tell of the exact numbers of gulag victims and prisoners detained and released. They are specific as to the numbers of anti-Communist elements to be liquidated. The number of Polish prisoners executed at Katyn and other locations is known. The percentage of Jews and other nationalities in the KKVD administration is likewise spelled out clearly. But with the ever so meticulous Germans, no surviving record speaks of exterminating Jews. The records only speak of deportation eastward.

The absence of records by a people who meticulously documented everything they did is a gigantic tip off that something smells. The odor is that of fake “gas chambers” and missing ashes.