Metoo Marches On: Theresa May Fires #1 Minister for Porn and Harassment!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 21, 2017

Grope her? I hardly fondled her!

Another one goes down!

The headlines are all about the pornography on his computer, but the actual reason for the firing is the #metoo accusation.


British Prime Minister Theresa May fired her closest political ally on Wednesday he was found to have breached the UK’s ministerial code of conduct.

An investigation by the UK Cabinet Office found that Damian Green’s denials that pornographic material was found on his office computer were “inaccurate and misleading.”

Police found thousands of thumbnail pornographic images on the computer during a raid in 2008 aimed at finding the source of government leaks, a former Scotland Yard detective involved in the case said. None of it was deemed to be illegal.

Green was also accused by by journalist and former Conservative party activist Kate Maltby of making unwanted advances towards her during a meeting in 2015.

The Cabinet Office report said what while it was “not possible to reach a definitive conclusion on the appropriateness of Mr Green’s behavior with Kate Maltby in early 2015, the investigation found Maltby’s account to be plausible.

Metoo is the revolution against the system by the system itself and it is the greatest thing that ever could have happened.

Soon, the entire male population of governments, the media and the entertainment industry will be cleansed. There will only be women employees, and without men to compete with, they will stop working completely. Everything will shut down as women sit around gossiping about each other, eating snacks and binge-watching Netflix.

When this happens, we will just be able to setup our own systems right alongside the now non-functioning systems controlled by dirty sluts and gossiping old hags.

This was always bound to happen, because the liberal Jewish system is based entirely on lies. Such a system cannot sustain itself indefinitely. The contradictions become too much.

I salute all of the stupid whores who are accusing the men who brought them out of their kitchen-dwellings of groping.

It’s as cute as puppies that you stupid whores think you can run this bitch without your male enablers.

But it’s going to be even cuter when white men in black ski masks come to drag you back to the kitchen – and you don’t have a single defender, because you accused them all of groping.

And so you’re all just like: frumpy face.