Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 1, 2015

“Illegal immigration” is not the issue anymore.
The issue is now “legal immigration.”
We have to stop this invasion before they kill us all.
If the Donald talks about legal immigration – in the explicit way Anne Coulter does – then he can surely win back my love after having lost it a couple days ago when he vaguely implied he might support amnesty for “non-criminal” Mexicans.
The man accused of killing two Good Samaritans who tried to help him on a Montana roadside was encountered by immigration authorities earlier this year after a burglary arrest, but was unable to be deported because he had already gotten legal status, federal authorities said this week.
The horrific killing has drawn attention at a time when crimes committed by immigrants are a hot political topic, thanks in part to GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s claim that Mexican society sends bad elements to the U.S.
Jesus Yeizon Deniz Mendoza, an 18-year-old Mexican man, has been charged with the killing of Jason and Tana Shane, who saw him stopped on the side of the road Wednesday and tried to help him. When they showed up on the scene with their daughter, Mr. Deniz pointed a gun at them and demanded money, according to an FBI affidavit filed in the federal court case.
They Shanes said they didn’t have any money and Mr. Deniz started to walk away, but then changed his mind and shot the father, then the mother and then the daughter, who was by this time running away. She managed to escape, though not before being shot in the back, the FBI affidavit said.
Mr. Deniz told the FBI he shot the three people with a .22 caliber rifle because he was tired of waiting, and because he thought he heard the daughter laughing at him, FBI Special Agent Larry J. McGrail II said in the affidavit.
Mr. Deniz is Mexican, and the Obama administration deems him a legal permanent resident who entered the country legally on May 31, 2013 — though they didn’t say how he earned that status initially.
How is Obama not personally responsible for this murder? It wouldn’t have happened without his approval. His actions directly caused it to happen.
If they can charge Charlie Manson for murdering people he didn’t literally murder, it seems Obama should be charged personally with these deaths, and all the others caused by killers he’s worked so hard to bring into this once-great nation.
“Legal” and “Illegal” are Meaningless Terms

“Illegal” immigrants are not kicked out of the country or punished in any way for doing something which is “illegal,” meaning that word has no meaning.
Similarly, “legal” immigrants have been made legal by criminal traitors trying to purposefully destroy America, so their “legal” status has no particular relevance.
Do It, Donald
Legal immigration is not simply an issue of “Latinos.”
All of these stinking Paki IT workers are legal, the Moslems are legal, the Africans (from Africa recently, I mean) are legal. There is literally a lottery where third-world filth can “win” legal immigration to the US – why would that exist? What could possibly be the purpose of it?
The only immigration we should have is highly skilled people from Europe and maybe, in certain circumstances, Asia (though Asians should never be given citizenship). No other place in the world has anything whatsoever to offer this country, and the only possible sense to immigration is for people who have something to offer the country.
When someone from Africa or Mexico becomes a mastermind neurosurgeon capable of performing a futuristic operation on someone that absolutely no one else in the world is capable of performing, let me know and I’ll reconsider. Until that or something similar happens, it is obvious that no low-IQ brown person from the third world has anything whatsoever to contribute to this country, other than murder, rape, robbery and economic and social chaos.
Donald Trump needs to bring this topic up. He has the power to do what no one else has done. Most people are more concerned about the den of Pakis or Somalians living next door than they are about Mexicans specifically, but we’ve been told that all bad immigration is “illegal,” so that’s all anyone talks about.

We need someone to tell it like it is. Immigration, “legal” or “illegal” is destroying this country. We not only need to eject the tens of millions of “Illegal” Mexicans and other “Latinos” in our midst, we also need to eject the incalculable number of “legal” trash that traitors and cucks have flooded this country with.