Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 28, 2014
Here you have a Mexican reporter asking a White Man if he is a racist because he wants to keep strange mud creatures out of the country.
I don’t know the context of the video, but it is at some sort of anti-immigration rally.
He has a Black on his side, and the mud woman is put in her place and backs up.
The fact is, everyone is a racist. Of course we are. It is a tribal function, and even if it wasn’t good (it is) the situation would be the same. And the brown people know it. But they also know they can use this idiot term as a weapon in their invasion and conquest agenda, and thus it is always there.
I like how the man responded, but it almost feels as though we just simply need to embrace the term. When people ask me if I’m a racist, I say “of course I am. Aren’t you?”