Mexican President Says No Wall Can Stop His Country from Invading Ours, Says Race-Mixing is the Future

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 20, 2016


Yes, this is an open threat of invasion and sexual conquest of our women.

But if you’re against it, you’re a racist hater.

Fox News Latino:

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto on Monday defended the need to protect migrants and noted that “history shows that there are no barriers that can stop the movement of people.”

“There are no natural ones or artificial ones. For every river there has always been a bridge, for every obstacle there has always been a road,” said Peña Nieto in his address before the U.N. summit on refugees and migrants.

The Mexican president defended the positive role played by migrants in the cultures of the countries to which they travel and emphasized that the international community must improve their situation.

“You have to feed these people, international community!”

“We have a pending commitment to them that we all must assume, because migration represents not only the past and the present of mankind, but also its future,” he insisted.

Peña Nieto focused his remarks on migration and emphasized the positive characteristics of population movements, which over the course of history have spread traditions, ideas, knowledge, better technology and values around the world.

“Migrants symbolize the effort that has been made to move humanity forward,” he said, stressing that “movement is an essential part of being human.”

Well, Mr. White Mexican, you’re people, the Spanish, certainly helped the Mexicans by moving there. If it wasn’t for you, they wouldn’t even have a government.


However, the fact that Whites are good at ruling brown countries does not mean all White countries should become brown.

Peña Nieto noted that his country is “the origin, transit point, destination and returning point of people” and that it is “proudly mestizo, multicultural and diverse,” the result of multiple migrations over the course of history.

“We Mexicans firmly believe that mixing is the future and fate of humanity,” he said.

It’s the only way to stop racism.

But Enrique, brah – what’s the deal with your family?


Seems pretty backward, barbaric and racist.

After all, the future needs to look like this:
