Mexican Thief Identified at Home Depot Manages to Shoot Two Cops and a Security Guard

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 25, 2018

The thing when I see a Mexican shooting at a cop… I assume that he did it for a reason. Either the cop was after him, or the cop was a witness and he was a hired assassin – something.

This is much different with the blacks, who have begun just randomly shooting cops for no reason other than the apparent desire to incite a race war.

Fox News:

The suspected gunman was in custody Tuesday night, hours after two officers with the Dallas Police Department and a civilian were shot, police said.

The shootings took place around 4 p.m. near a Home Depot in Dallas off Forest Lane and Central Expressway, Fox 4 reported.

The police department said on Twitter that two officers were “critically wounded,” however the status of the civilian was “unknown.” All three were out of surgery late Tuesday, Dallas police Chief Rene Hall told Fox 4.

The civilian was a loss-prevention officer from the store, Hall said during a news conference.

The suspect was identified as Armando Juarez, 29, who was believed to have left the location in a white pickup truck, Hall said. He was apprehended after a five-hour man hunt involving a high speed chase, according to reports.

During a press conference, Hall said Juarez was arrested on multiple counts of aggravated assault on a police officer and wanted on a felony theft warrant.

The two officers who arrived at the scene were responding to a call from an off-duty officer working at the Home Depot who called for assistance for an arrest, Hall said. The two responding officers were reportedly shot shortly after arriving.

“We were just checking out people until we started hearing people like ‘There’s a shooting. They’re shooting,'” witness Mercedes Goledo told Fox 4. “From there, they were just telling us to get out of the building. Get out the building. But then they found out that he had went outside.”

Yeah, see.

This spic was a criminal, involved in criminal activities which were presumably profitable, and when the cops came for him he shot it out with them.

So, you know, whatever.

Wetbacks come to our country mainly to commit crimes, we know that.

But virtually every time since 2012 and Obama’s Negra Crusade against the cops, whenever I see a headline reading “officers shot,” it is a black guy assassinating cops randomly.

Let Me Tell You Something About That

A black man never would have been in this situation that this Mexican was in in the first place, as they do not run long-term criminal theft operations. It is too sophisticated.

However, if a black man had been in a situation where he was wanted for a crime and he was spotted at a Home Depot, he would have been neutralized way before he got a chance to shoot two cops and a security guard – probably the security guard himself would have been able to neutralize him.

So basically, though blacks are more likely to do shit like shoot you on the street, beat you up, or rape you, they are much less likely to engage in higher-level criminality.

That sort of thing is the job whites won’t do that we brought all of these spics in to perform.