Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 14, 2015

A Mexican BBQ owner who created a “White Appreciation Day” at his restaurant to honor White Americans (with a 10% discount) has vowed to never give in to pressure from anti-White racists, Fox News reports.
Edgar Antillon’s handwritten signs reading “White Appreciation Day! June 11 – Because all Americans should be celebrated!” posted in the window of Rubbin’ Buttz BBQ in Milliken, Colorado caused hell to rain down on good-hearted Mexican. But he shall not waver.
“It was our humorous way of poking fun at our society,” Antillon said. “It’s almost racist not to have a day to honor white people, who make up a large portion of American culture.”
But many did not view it that way, and threatened to murder and/or bomb the man for expressing his appreciation of Whites. Denver Police officers are now stationed at his home due to ongoing threats of physical harm.
“I’ve had people tell me that they’re going to gut me,” Antillon said.
Still, the brave 30-year-old father of four has no regrets. “Never will I regret it, never will I apologize.”
He will not cancel the event.

He said that threats were coming from other Whites and minorities. If I had to guess, however, I’d say it was mostly from Whites and Jews.
Antillion welcomes the controversy.
“I don’t get worried about negatives,” he said. “I’m almost glad this conversation has happened…. We have to overcome this ugliness.”
He went on to mention that some Whites had been extremely appreciative of the gesture.
“My entire family’s restaurant meal on Mother’s Day,” he said, “was paid for by someone else who told me, ‘I appreciate what you’re trying to do.’”
The fact that a non-White supporting Whites gets threatened with murder for doing so clearly demonstrates that the anti-White agenda is not about helping non-Whites – that is just a side-effect. It is really all about exterminating us.
If you’re in the area, be sure to be at Rubbin’ Buttz BBQ on June 11 to show your support for this man supporting us.