Mexico Border: Tranny and Dyke Troops Unable to Handle Weather, Mattis a MAGA Traitor!

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
November 12, 2018

The New York Times reports on the harrowing situation facing the soldiers posted on the border. Truly heart-breaking stuff tbh.

New York Times:

Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Micek, a platoon sergeant with the 89th Military Police Brigade, tore open the brown packaging of his M.R.E. on Thursday.

It was a chicken and noodle dish, one of the more sought-after rations because it came with Skittles. But from the cot outside his platoon’s tent at the Army’s latest forward operating base, Sergeant Micek could almost see the bright orange and white roof of Whataburger, a fast-food utopia eight miles away but off limits under current Army rules. The desert tan flatbed trucks at the base are for hauling concertina wire, not food runs.

Such is life on the latest front where American soldiers are deployed. 


The memes write themselves.

An American soldier suffering from burger-withdrawal while deployed on the southern border.

Forced to subsist on Skittles. 

The absolute horror.

It’s a shame that these soldiers don’t know this one easy 9gag lifehack

So really, the costs of this operation are felt on both sides of the border.

The suffering of the poor Aztec savages who won’t be allowed in is matched by the suffering of the weekend warriors forced to abstain from burgers and forced to engage in physical labor… in the Army of all places!

Two thousand miles away, at the Pentagon, officials privately derided the deployment as an expensive waste of time and resources, and a morale killer to boot.

Yes, American troops only get enthused about Middle East deployments, right?

Leading up to the midterm vote on Tuesday, the military announced that the border mission would be called Operation Faithful Patriot. But Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Election Day told officials to drop the name, and the Pentagon sent out a terse news release a day later saying the operation was now simply to be known as border support. The term “faithful patriot,” officials said, had political overtones.

This Mad Pit Bull needs to go.

His disgusting support of trannies and general insubordination is inexcusable and unforgivable. Trump needs to fire him – over Twitter preferably.

But back to the issue at hand: these poor troops are suffering. When they signed up, they never in a million years expected to end up being deployed to a hot Third World country and having to end up missing Thanksgiving.

The military’s morale issue is almost as worrisome. The deployment orders last until Dec. 15, meaning the troops will be on the border over Thanksgiving. They will have little to do beyond providing logistical support, unless Mr. Trump declares martial law. The troops will not be enforcing United States immigration law — that would run afoul of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, unless a special exception is made.

“When you give a soldier a real mission, you have less of a morale problem, even if it’s Christmas or Thanksgiving,” said Representative Anthony G. Brown, Democrat of Maryland and a former Army helicopter pilot who served in the Iraq war. “But when you send a soldier on a dubious mission, with no military value, over Thanksgiving, it doesn’t help morale at all.” 

Yeah, these guys might get fed up with the Skittles and start marauding until they’re provided with M&Ms and enemies of Israel to murder.

Capt. Lauren Blanton, who oversees logistics for the base, is caught between monitoring the influx of equipment and troops and ensuring that her facility is livable, with enough amenities so the troops living there can call home.

“I want to talk to my kid too,” she said.

It seems that this female captain wants to busy herself making a comfortable nest and to spend her time dealing with children.

Naturally, she decided that the US Army was the place for her.

In no other scenario could she experience the simple joys of home-keeping, interior decorating and interacting with children other than serving in the US military lmao.

Mr. Mattis, the defense secretary, has long argued against politicizing the military. For the entirety of his nearly two years at the Pentagon’s helm, he has sought to shield the country’s 1.2 million active-duty troops from the political forces that have plagued other agencies. In August, on a trip to Brazil, Mr. Mattis warned of the dangers of a military that is viewed as supporting one candidate or another.

Putting troops at the border to protect against what Mr. Trump deemed a threat, in his rallying cry for the midterms, has put Mr. Mattis’s views about politicizing the military on a collision course with the president. That clash comes as Mr. Mattis’s relationship with Mr. Trump has deteriorated sharply over the last year. 

I didn’t think that it was possible for me to hate Mattis more…

But it gets worse.

Last month, the president accused Mr. Mattis of being a Democrat. Mr. Trump has also chafed at what he perceives as the Defense Department’s slow-walking of his many proposals, from holding a military parade to banning transgender troops to putting into place a Space Force.

Officially, Pentagon leaders said their duty was to follow the orders of the commander in chief, not to tell him how he can deploy American troops.

The border troops are just the latest example of the White House pushing a mission that the Pentagon has resisted.

In late October, the Department of Homeland Security sent a memo to the Pentagon with a series of formal requests for support in handling immigrants at the southern border, including the caravan on its way from Central America, according to two senior administration officials.

Among the requests, issued at the White House’s behest, were that troops deployed to the border be armed, prepared for direct contact with the migrants and ready to operate under rules for the use of force to be set by the Defense Department.

When Defense Department officials replied the same day, on Mr. Mattis’s orders, they rejected those requests and referred the Department of Homeland Security to the White House, the officials said. The Defense Department viewed the requests as inappropriate and legally treacherous, potentially setting up soldiers for violent encounters with migrants. 

What a revealing article.

I had no idea that Mattis was so blatantly and openly rebelling against President Trump. Even after Trump trusted him so. What a rank betrayal of the Emperor.

And what a bizarre article. 

The same newspaper that cheered on the war in Iraq is now concerned that American soldiers aren’t getting their required daily burger supply because they’ve been deployed in far-away and distant land… the border with Mexico… and low-key encouraging “Mad Dog” to not follow the orders of his Commander in Chief…

I smell heresy and treason brewing.