Mexico: Brown Sludge Builds Fake Wall at US Embassy, Burns Another Effigy

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 21, 2017

No wonder everyone thinks spics are so cute and clever.

They are simply adorable.

Sky News:

Demonstrators in Mexico City have built a mock barricade outside the US embassy topped by an effigy of Donald Trump in protest at the President’s plan to build a border wall.

The crowd then symbolically pulled the cardboard box wall down before punching and setting fire to the model likeness.

The action came as hundreds of thousands of women took part in anti-Trump marches around the world to vent their anger following his inauguration.

Mr Trump has promised to swiftly press ahead with the construction of a wall along America’s southern border, which he claims Mexico will pay for.

During the election campaign he branded Mexican migrants as rapists and murderers and vowed to keep them out, sparking outrage in the neighbouring country.

One protester taking part in the US embassy demonstration said: “We are against the construction of the wall and we’re marching because the Mexican government has not faced up to Donald Trump’s threats like the people have wanted.

“The (Trump) government says that Mexicans are going to pay for the building of the wall. What Mexicans are saying to Trump is that we do not agree with the construction of the wall.”

A figure of Mr Trump was also set on fire by demonstrators.

There are also concerns in Mexico over Mr Trump’s pledge to renegotiate a joint trade deal that underpins the country’s economy.

Mr Trump has said he would move to tear up the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) if no “fair deal” was forthcoming.

That effigy burning is ancient savage Aztec ritual. These people are literal monkeys.