Mexico: Caravan is Nearing Tijuana Now…

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 24, 2018

So then, what does this mean then?

Trump said he would stop this.

It’s only a third of the size now, but they’re going through California, and Jerry Brown has said he won’t stop it.

So they’re just coming in then?


Hundreds of Central American migrants traveling in a “caravan” were in limbo in the northern Mexican city of Hermosillo on Monday on the final stretch of a journey to the United States where President Donald Trump ordered officials to repel them.

About 600 men, women and children from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras had been waiting on Monday in Hermosillo, Sonora to board a train or take buses for the remaining 432 miles miles to the border with California.

Traveling together for safety, their numbers were down from a peak of about 1,500 people since they began their journey on Mexico’s southern border with Guatemala almost a month ago, as smaller groups broke away.

Many women and children in the group were planning to seek asylum in the United States after they reach Tijuana, said Rodrigo Abeja, a coordinator from immigrant rights group Pueblo Sin Fronteras that has been organizing similar caravans for several years.

Moving from town to town, the impoverished and bedraggled travelers became a lightning rod for U.S.-Mexico relations after Trump launched a succession of tweets in early April, telling Mexican authorities to stop them.

On Monday he again lashed out, threatening that failure to stop the caravan could stall the already tense renegotiation of NAFTA. 

“I have instructed the Secretary of Homeland Security not to let these large Caravans of people into our Country,” Trump tweeted Monday morning. “It’s a disgrace. We are the only Country in the World so Naive! WALL”

Following Trump’s Tweets, the group was considering applying for asylum status in Mexico, a Reuters witness traveling with them said.

Trump’s concern with the caravan coincides with recent U.S. border patrol data showing a sharp rise in the number of immigrants found illegally crossing the border, a setback after immigration from Central America evaporated in the months following his election.

Some of the group had been dissuaded from seeking asylum by warnings about detention conditions they might endure in the United States, she said.

Although Honduras and El Salvador rank among countries with the highest homicide rates in the world, rejection rates for asylum claims from those countries are very steep.

Yeah, and I wonder if those two things could be connected, huh?

Like, because all of the MS-13 gang members in the US came in as “asylum seekers,” maybe?

If these taco apes get through, then the next rough is going to be 60,000.

This is a trial balloon.

And look: they are associated with all of these no borders communist groups in America, and this is being framed as a challenge directly to President Trump as a man.

He has full justification to just shoot them, or drone strike them while they’re still in Mexico.

He could easily get away with that.

Just say like “yo I warned them” and people would be like “yeah he’s right he did warn them for sure.”

Barack Obama used to drone people all the time.

This is a clear and present threat to the security of the United States. These people should be killed as soon as they move to try to enter our country.

Trump is a pussy if he doesn’t figure out some way to do something, I’ll tell ya.