Mexico Says They Won’t Stop Caravans

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 2, 2019

This is racial solidarity.

It’s also that Mexico has a lot to gain by the US turning “latino.” They already have all of their power centers set up, and any latinx are going to be supporting their organizations.

This is very similar to the way Erdogan enabled the mass influx of various sorts of Moslems into Europe.

In fact, it’s pretty much the exact same situation.

The Hill:

Mexico’s top immigration official said Monday the country will not order the militarization of the border with Guatemala as caravans of residents from Central American countries make their way north.

Interior Secretary Olga Sánchez Cordero said Mexico will regulate and provide security to migrants from Central America, El Universal newspaper reported.

She added that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s government is “not repressive” and won’t militarize its southern border “under any circumstances.”

Sánchez Cordero’s comments follow López Obrador’s vow to respond with “peace and love” to U.S. threats to close the U.S.-Mexico border.

President Trump vowed in recent days to shut down the southern border — the world’s busiest commercial frontier — over a surge in Central American families and unaccompanied minors seeking asylum in the United States that has overwhelmed U.S. Border Patrol and U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Trump on Saturday said Mexico should “use its very strong immigration laws to stop the many thousands of people trying to get into the USA.”

Which is it, Trump?

Should we stop immigrants, or do we need more people than ever to work in factories?

Because you don’t have to be literate to work in a factory. If we need more people than ever before in history, as you have repeatedly said, Mr. President, then why not these “people”?

If “they have to be legal,” then just give them green cards when they cross the border.

I just cannot understand how it is that a president that wants “more people coming in than any time in history” can take issue with all of these people trying to come in.

What am I missing, Donald?