Mexico: Workers Tear Down Anal Flag from Public Building

Enough is enough.

Everyone knows this isn’t about “two men in their own private bedroom,” it is about molesting children.

No one supports this anymore.

Everyone knows it’s a Jewish agenda, just like killing all those babies in Palestine.

They can’t just arrest everyone.

Life Site News:

Workers in Mexico City who have had enough of LGBTQ+ Pride celebrations quite literally took matters into their own hands and tore into pieces two massive rainbow banners that hung at the government’s National Housing Fund for Workers (INFONAVIT) building.

Union leader Rafael Riva Palacio ordered the destruction and removal of the banners, saying that they are “unworthy.”

“I personally and a group of colleagues cannot allow it, and as many times as they want to put it up, as many times as they put it up, we are going to remove it,” said Palacio, pointing to the rainbow banner, according to a report by El País.

Carlos Martinez, the director of INFONAVIT who describes himself as “gay,” denounced on X the tearing down of the banners as an act “of barbarism, hatred, homophobia and discrimination,” and swore “The flags will be raised again and as many times as necessary.”

Two days later, Martinez posted another photo boasting that at least one of the banners had been quickly replaced.

They put it back up again, of course

He also said that “Members of the LGBTTTIQ+ populations had repaired the damaged flags with staples, thread and tape, proposing to use them in the 2024 Pride March.”

“The revolution of consciences is going to triumph,” declared Martinez, suggesting that those who do not accept homosexuality and transgenderism need to conform to LGBTQ+ ideology.

The tearing down of the rainbow banners comes on the heels of the election of Mexico’s woke, pro-LGBTQ+ president Claudia Sheinbaum earlier this week.

Sheinbaum has made her support of LGBTQ+ political ideology clear in recent years.

Oh, really?

Sheinbaum is forcing gay anal sex (with men) on Mexico?

It’s Sheinbaum that’s doing that?

