Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 26, 2014
The gangster-rapping cigar thief and attacker of cops Michael Brown was a savage from a family of savages. This was evidenced in a recent violent family feud over the rights to sell products featuring the dead criminal’s image.

Recently, Brown’s disgusting witch mother, Lesley McSpadden, demanded that the image of her dead son not be sold for profit by people other than her, Fox St. Louis reports.
On Saturday night, the 18th of October, at around 8:15 in the parking lot of Red’s BBQ, just blocks away from the place the criminal Brown was executed, family members resisted this demand. Brown’s grandmother, Pearlie Gordon, along with his cousin Tony Petty were selling t-shirts and other Michael Brown-branded products.

A police report describes a car rolling up and posse getting out. The posse was led by Brown’s mother. A witness said McSpadden was yelling “you can’t sell this shit!” One of the relatives involved in hawking the Brown products asked the irate woman if she had a patent, demanding documentation of said patent.

At that point, a member of McSpadden’s posse assaulted the cousin so badly an ambulance was called. A witness claimed Petty was beaten in the face with a metal pipe. As the cousin was being driven to the hospital, the mother’s posse grabbed the Michael Brown products and box of cash believed to contain about $1,400.
Such are the adventures of Blacks. How fun it is that they are now famous, so we boring Whites can get a look into the interesting lives they lead.