Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 15, 2015
Editor’s Note/Update:
There is some confusion about these Tweets, and it is possible they came from Michael Brown’s uncle, who is called “Leslie,” and not his mother, who apparently spells her name “Lesley.”
Here is a picture from one of their accounts:

Mama Brown is in the top picture, but the account appears to be that of the male Negro in the picture.
All of these Tweets have since been deleted, and the mainstream media isn’t covering it, just some blogs which seem a bit unclear.
McSpadden the female Negress and the father of Michael Brown did come out and condemn the shootings, but that could have been after some Jew publicist flipped out and told her not to celebrate it.
In any case, I’m just going to leave the original article below, which I wrote while under the impression it was his mother who posted the Tweet.

Leslie Mcspadden is famous for being the mother of a gigantic Black child who was unjustly murdered in cold blood because of the color of his skin after he robbed a Paki store and attacked a police officer. She is also known for being an honored speaker at the United Nations.
Following the recent shooting of two cops in Ferguson, Mcspadden was a voice of reason. While people all over the country were condemning the attempted mass murder, she went on to Twitter and rationally explained that it was really great and there are more to come soon.
She wrote:
Woke up in a GREAT MOOD this morning [gritting teeth emoticon] 2 Cops got Shot in FERGUSON lastnight [cop emoticon, revolver emoticon, bearskin emoticon] You ant seen shit yet [devil emoticon] wait till this summer [surgical mask emoticon, surgical mask emoticon, surgical mask emoticon]

It is incredible that with such intelligent and clear Black voices putting forward such a clear and sound message, we continue to abuse the Blacks on a systemic scale by arresting them for doing drugs and shooting them on the streets for no reason.
But the day is soon coming when greater minds prevail, and people like Leslie Mcspadden, who was literally in real life invited to speak at the UN, are ruling over White Western nations with reason and compassion.