Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 8, 2014

A new biography of Michael Jordan describes how he was a strong anti-White racist in his youth.
From ESPN:
Those views were strengthened after he watched the miniseries “Roots” and learned about the suffering of his African-American ancestors.
The tipping point, Lazenby wrote, came in 1977, when a girl at his school called him the N-word.
“So I threw a soda at her,” Jordan said in a 1992 interview with Playboy magazine, the details of which were written about in Lazenby’s book. “I was really rebelling. I considered myself a racist at the time. Basically, I was against all white people.”
Suspended by the school for his actions, Lazenby writes that Jordan said his mother intervened, urging him not to have racial hatred dominate his life.
The book also details how Jordan was one of only two black players on the school baseball team and was called inferior while he played.
Former Bulls general manager Jerry Krause says in the book that Jordan was powered throughout his life by any negative experiences, including those in his childhood.
“He remembers everyone who ever didn’t think he was going to be great,” Krause said in an excerpt published by “He remembers every negative story that’s ever been written about him.”
Yes, I’m sure he does remember every mean thing anyone ever said about him. That is the way of the blacks. Can’t remember reading or basic addition and subtraction, but you’d better believe they will remember “muh feelings.”
Jerry Krause, being a Jew, would easily understand Michael’s struggle against evil White racists, and the importance of feelings.

Interesting that it never implies that he stopped being against White people, just that his mother talked to him about it.
Though I don’t really mind if he is against White people, per se, it was White people who made him a multimillionaire, and I do get sick of the whining of obscenely rich blacks who, without the charity of Whites, would be doing this:

The biography also details how Jordan was “against all aliens” after being abducted and forced to play basketball with the Loony Toons against the Monstars in a botched attempt to save Moron Mountain. Apparently, Jordan was convinced by the producers of the film Space Jam that the abduction was real, as they felt they could get a better performance out of him that way.

“Them craggas swoop da nigga up, pus em upondat ouder spays, gis da nigga be pley da basget baw fo dey plezer. I wuz ow lyk ‘dem niggas be upon sum sheeeeet, dawg.’ But den ah wus lyk ‘nah, dey coo.'” Jordan said of the Space Jam experience.
Though many have tried to explain to him that the events of Space Jam were only real in his mind, and that he was actually filming a children’s cartoon, he has refused to accept it; he did, however, stop being against all aliens after his mother told him not to do that.
Jordan was recently in the media when he cried exactly 6,000,000 buckets of tears after the Jew Donald Sterling said in a private conversation with his black girlfriend that he didn’t like black people.