Daily Stormer
April 26, 2014

The First Ape Michelle Obama has cancelled her plan to deliver a racist hate speech against Whites at a Kansas high school after the citizens of the community became outraged and demanded she come nowhere near their school.
Small victories: celebrate em.
First Lady Michelle Obama is scrapping her plans to deliver a graduation speech for high school seniors in Topeka, Kan., after hundreds signed a petition in protest.
More than 1,750 people had signed a petition protesting the first lady’s appearance at the graduation ceremony, angered that security concerns would limit the number of friends and family who could attend.
According to the Topeka Capital-Journal, students would have only be allotted six tickets apiece had the first lady maintained her original plans.
Instead of delivering a graduation speech, Obama will be at the school the day before graduation, and will deliver remarks at a “Senior Recognition Day.”
The first lady’s address is meant to commemorate the anniversary of the landmark Brown v. Board of Education desegregation ruling.
“The remarks will celebrate the achievements of the graduating class of high school seniors in Topeka, home of the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case, Brown v. Board of Education, which is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year,” the White House said in a statement.