Daily Stormer
June 16, 2015

So here’s the deal. The African First Lady of America goes to Britain, meets with British school children who are all brown-skinned Moslems.
Is there any possible way it could be more obvious that we are being systematically replaced than simply by looking at the above tweet from the BBC?
What more, exactly, does a person need to know in order to understand this situation?
Africans still have their own entire continent, Moslems still have dozens of their own countries. And yet here they are in our countries, claiming to be us. And the Jew-run BBC is going along with it, as are all other major media outlets across the Western world.
The whole thing would be hilarious, if it were not so sick.

If this is all about equality, then why are we not able to emigrate to non-White countries, set up our own ethnic enclaves and begin demanding the governments of these countries make changes to their in order to accommodate us?
Because of colonialism?
The Turkish empire was the biggest colonial power in history and they invaded and occupied half of Europe while trying to take the whole thing.
Can I more to Turkey and build an enclave of Whites? Can we be given our own parallel legal system? Free housing? Citizenship? Preferential treatment in every conceivable way?
If not, then how can we possibly claim this has anything to do with equality?