Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 2, 2015

In yet another case of being called racist for the way you word your statements against racism (these are basically a daily occurrence now), Michelle Rodriguez has been forced to apologize for telling TMZ that minorities should “stop stealing all the white people’s superheroes. Make up your own.”
To any normal human person, this would be taken to mean what it obviously means – minorities need to create their own stories, rather than latching on to White culture, as this latching is demeaning to them.
But not nowadays. No siree. You make a statement like that, it doesn’t matter if you yourself are a minority, it’s torches and pitchforks time for thee. The media jumped down her throat.

Michelle was forced to issue an apology on her Facebook page:
What I really meant was that ultimately at the end of the day there’s a language and the language that you speak in Hollywood is ‘successful franchise’ and I think that there are many cultures in Hollywood that are not white that can come up with their own mythology… I’m just saying that instead of trying to turn a girl character into a guy or instead of trying to turn a white character into a black character or a Latin character, I think the people should stop being lazy, and that people should actually make an effort in Hollywood to develop their own mythology… I’m considering this while I’m out there coming up with projects to do and things to write. I think it’s time for us to write our own mythology and our own story.
Her comments referred to the ongoing race-replacement in superhero films, which include Nick Fury of the Avengers, played by Samuel L Jackson, Heimdall from the Thor saga, played by Idris Elba, and Michael B. Jordan as the Human Torch in the upcoming Fantastic Four reboot. That last one is the one that is really nuts.

Johnny Storm is a blonde-haired and blue-eyed Aryan, as is his sister Susan. No word on how it will be explained that one sibling is Black and the other isn’t (just as it wasn’t explained in the older films how Susan was Mexican, while Johnny was blonde), but I guess we are just to assume daddy Storm got cucked.
Meanwhile, the Black Panther will be played by a Black guy.