Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 16, 2014

If you’re going to be White, and you are going to have the nerve to excel, you better make sure not to talk about it.
A high school basketball team in Michigan recently won a game over a rival mostly black team, and the boys decided to celebrate what they viewed as a very relevant victory.
Of course, this is evil and racist. How could a group of Whites be so bold as to win a game against blacks in the first place, let alone celebrate their victory?

Here, Katie McLean, writing for Mlive, condemns the evil of these boys:
Shocking tweets celebrating a “white” team’s victory erupted Thursday following the Howell boys basketball win over Grand Blanc.
Several students in Howell are now facing disciplinary action, according to the high school principal.
Grand Blanc lost 54-49 to Howell in the Class A regional final at Linden High School Thursday.
Among the Twitter messages posted after the game the night of March 13:
“Not only did we beat Grand Blanc but we’re all white. Howell’s the definite winner tonight.”
“All hail white power. #HitlerIsMyDad”
“Tonight was probably one of the most racists nights of my life. I heard so many slurs and expressions. I also said a few things…”
Hastags with other tweets included #kkk, #lightthehcross, #rosaparks, #wewhite.
Howell High School Principal Jason Schrock said he’s well aware of the tweets, and disciplinary action has been taken against those involved.
“The school has responded to each instance and is moving forward,” he said. He would not say what disciplinary action was taken.
Grand Blanc has both black and white players.
Grand Blanc Schools Superintendent Norman Abdella said although it’s “hard to believe that the racial banality expressed through those messages even exists in this day and age,” he believes that Howell administrators will aptly handle the situation.
“It would be totally unfair to judge a district or a school based on the actions of individual students or supporters,” he said in an email statement to The Flint Journal. “I have great confidence that no one in authority within the Howell School District would ever encourage or condone these types of sentiments and expect that they will effectively deal with this situation internally.”
Schrock said he hopes both communities understand that what he believes were knee-jerk reactions of a few teens don’t speak for all of Howell and that the town and school are continuously trying to work themselves out of a rut that history has dug for them.
“A life lesson can be learned for these students without dragging a community’s reputation through the mud,” he said.
The life lesson, of course, is that White people have no identity, and if they try to establish one, they must be condemned and punished in order to set an example for any other Whites who may try to do something similar.
All peoples have a right to celebrate their ethnic and cultural achievements. Unless they’re White. Then it’s evil.