Michigan: Moslem Stabs Cop While Screaming “Allahu Akbar”

Amor Ftouhi.

Yep, you read that correctly: Michigan.

Not Germany, Sweden, France or the UK.

I guess Moslems are Moslems wherever they go, eh?


Amor Ftouhi cried when he learned that he didn’t complete his mission and failed to kill a Bishop Airport police officer, a federal agent testified during Ftouhi’s trial on Thursday, Nov. 8.

The third day of Ftouhi’s trial included testimony from federal agents and others who responded to the airport on June 21, 2017, and testimony from a Royal Canadian Police officer who searched Ftouhi’s apartment in Montreal.

Ftouhi plotted the attack because of financial difficulties and wanted to kill a police officer and then be killed to get into heaven, federal prosecutors allege.

He picked Bishop Airport because it would allow the world to learn of his support of al-Qaida and embolden others, according to testimony.

He is accused of stabbing airport police Lt. Jeff Neville with a 12-inch serrated knife Ftouhi bought for $15 after vendors wouldn’t let him buy a firearm at a gun and knife show.

After an airport maintenance man stopped Ftouhi’s attack on Neville, the suspect was handcuffed and escorted into a holding cell within the airport.

“He asked us if the officer was dead. I responded with ‘I didn’t know,'” said Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent Shadi Elreda, one of three agents who interrogated Ftouhi. “He put his head down and was crying. He said his intention was to kill the officer.”

Jeff Neville.