Midweek Meme Mania: Just be Happy, Friend. Everything is Going to be Fine.

I’m doing the rest of the $500/hr phone calls.

I’ve already begun today.

If you’ve already paid or were trying to pay, I will get to you shortly.

For everyone else: it’s going to be a lot more expensive next time, because this is way too many calls. I love you all and everyone has been very interesting to talk to, but it’s too many calls. I know I seem like an asshole saying “I don’t have time to talk to people for $500/hr.” But it is what it is.

I might change it to $500/20 min.

Anyway, you’re all my good friends and I love you all.

Never forget: parasocial friendships are REAL friendships.

Everyone just relax.

It’s all going to be fine.

By the way, I made this meme like 10 years ago and it’s still going around:

Pretty cool, huh?

I sure think so.

I think a lot of stuff is cool.