Midweek Meme Mania: These are the Best Memes You’ve Ever Seen

A close friend of mine who I’d known since grade school once tried to tell me “Thursday is not midweek.”

So you know what I did? I shot him right in his belly with my Glock 45.

When he was bleeding out, I bent down and whispered in his ear: “It’s not the weekend. It’s the beginning of the week. The only thing Thursday can be is midweek. Rot in hell, you cocksucker.”

Then I walked away, just leaving him there like the worthless bag of ooze he was.

This is midweek.

And these are a lot of really good memes.

I prepared them for you specially, because you are such an important friend to me.

And yes, I am talking about you, the person reading this, right now. We have developed a deep parasocial relationship, which means everything to me, and I hope it means very much to you as well.

I will always be here for you.

Note for my beloved customers (non-customers can skip; I have to put this note here because it’s the only place I know everyone will see it): Also, about those calls – there are still some of you I haven’t gotten to, but I did get to most of you. I can only do one a day now, so it might take a bit more time. There were like… I’m not even going to say the number. It has been insane and frankly not worth it. The conversations are great, haven’t really even had a bad one, but I am going to have to charge more money than this, not even because I want to charge more money, but because I want more money. If you sent me a message saying you wanted a call and haven’t paid yet, you’re grandfathered in, but a bunch of people just went ahead and paid, so those people have priority. I’m going to try to send messages out to everyone over the next couple of days, but it’s a bit daunting, there is just this wall of messages, and what I’ve been doing is just clicking the ones at the top and setting up calls, three at a time. I should have gone through and replied to all of you individually, but, well, I didn’t do that yet. I’ve taken a big chuck out of the list, doing multiple calls a day for the last two weeks. Who knew this many people wanted to talk to me? I sure as hell didn’t, or I would have charged a lot more. Also, don’t try to go look up my messaging information and get in on this before the price raise. I cannot add any more people. I have already made a lot of people wait like a month. I will do another fundraiser probably soon, because the site has been losing money for like three years and now I finally have a way to fund it that ensures everyone’s privacy, so I’m going to be doing this like every two months. Also, you don’t have to do the call to donate, and also, if you want to do a call, you can pay more, maybe a lot more, than the official price, which is more of just a “suggested minimum.”

Who knew that I would get this big?

This is literally a visual representation of my popularity over the last decade:

Now that that business is out of the way, let’s get right into it.

I’m like, super confident about these. More confident than I’ve been in a long time. I think like 20 of these could be Pick of the Week. But we already did Pick of the Week on Monday. Lately, I haven’t been late and I’ve even been doing two meme posts most weeks.

We truly are on the up and up.

Welcome to the primo collection (midweek).

Here’s something else:

Remember what they took from us.