Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 23, 2015

FYROM has sent the military to the border with Greece to try to keep these people out, and they are rushing the military. This is, by anyone’s definition, a military invasion by a foreign power.
The only possibly logical response is deadly force.
Thousands of migrants Saturday stormed across Macedonia’s border from Greece, overwhelming security forces who threw stun grenades and lashed out with batons before apparently abandoning an effort to stem their flow through the Balkans to Western Europe.
Being invaded by Moslems? Maybe try a little bit, then just stand-down.
Some of the migrants had spent days in the open with little or no food or water after Macedonia declared a state of emergency Thursday and sealed its borders to them. Many were refugees from war in Syria and other conflicts in the Middle East.
As we reported yesterday, many interviewed were from Pakistan, which is not at war and is a country with nukes.
Not that it even matters.
But by nightfall Saturday, thousands had crossed the frontier, milling around the border town of Gevgelija, where buses had converged from across the country and trains left in quick succession to take them north for the next leg of their journey through Serbia.
There was no official word from the government, but the level of organization suggested that authorities had opted to move the migrants on as quickly as possibly, having been unsuccessful at keeping them out with razor wire, tear gas and stun grenades.
“The government is organizing additional trains. I don’t know who is organizing the buses,” said Alexandra Krause, a senior protection officer with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees.
Migrants had been pouring into Macedonia at a rate of about 2,000 a day en route to Serbia, then Hungary and Europe’s borderless Schengen zone. In July, about 50,000 arrived on Greek shores by boat from Turkey.
There is no finality. No one in the EU is even suggesting that this will end or slow at any point. In fact, all predictions are that it will continue to accelerate, indefinitely.
But it would be pure racism to even suggest talking about dealing with it.