Mike Cernovich on Getting Assaulted for Old Memes

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 16, 2017

Mike Cernovich got assaulted for repeatedly yelling “Bill Clinton is a rapist” at Hillary Clinton supporters in Austin Texas.

He says this is about “free speech.”

In my view, however, old memes are not free speech.

The good news is, he created a new meme – GUARANTEED FRESH – in the process of promoting this old meme: the Mike Cernovich “I’m Being Assaulted” meme.

Purple shirt guy is amazing.

I call him “the Cern Whisperer.”

He whispers your greatest fears right into your ear and exploits your insecurities as you try to keep a straight face and be a strong guy.

And the eternal cycle of the memes continues.